Chapter 4

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After their short ride to the Library, the both of them sprinted in through the south entry way.

"Batter, we're gonna be late! I don't know if I should be concerned or relieved!"

Zacharie ranted worryingly, irking The Batter with his constant chatter.

"It's 7:55. We have time."

The Batter replied back, panting because of all the running. Zacharie hacked a few times, tripping and trying to keep up with him.


The Batter clutched onto Zacharie's face and dragged him.

"If you can't keep up, I'll make you keep up."

Zacharie's pleas came out as muffled screeches as The Batter made his way up the stairs. He slammed Zacharie into the wall a couple of times, but he would always find a way to snap him out of it. Half way up the stairs, The Batter decided that he should take out his weapon: his baseball bat. He let go of Zacharie and he stumbled down a flight of stairs.

"Come on, Zacharie. It's 3 minutes 'till 8."

"Well EXCUUUUUUUSE ME! I wasn't the one groping a man's face while running up 50 flights of stairs!"

"Stop you're complaining, you're irritating me."

"It's not my fault!"

"It is."

They argued until they reached the top of the last flight of stairs and to the top of the library.

"Here it goes, Batter. Don't scare anyone."

Zacharie whispered to him, poking his shoulder teasingly.

"Don't push your luck."

The two of them walked out the door and saw Dedan and Japhet standing there. Well, Japhet wasn't exactly standing, but you get my drift.

"Well well well. If it isn't the proud salesman and- Oh! Who do we have here? The Asshole? Why the hell did you bring him along, Zacharie boy?! I said to COME ALONE!"

Dedan rushed, bellowing angrily.

"Do you think I care about what you want? No. The Batter is here because he's my friend."

"That man is no friend. A slave, more like it! How about you use him for a good ass whipper, eh?! Son of a damn bitch!"

Dedan laughed. Japhet was silent for the time being. Dedan cleared his throat loudly, ready to continue.

"Zacharie, why don't you walk on over here and let me show you a little something."

Zacharie looked at The Batter in utter confusion, and all The Batter did was give him a nod. Zacharie approached Dedan and Japhet, tightening up his mask.

"Good boy, good boy! Listening to your old man!"

Dedan waited for Zacharie to approach closer before he spun Zacharie around to where he was facing The Batter in a straight line, to where if they ran forward, they would collide straight on. Dedan grabbed onto the string keeping Zacharie's mask in place and attempted to untie it. His large claw-like hands were far too large for this task, yet, he managed to untie the tight knot on the mask. He gently pulled it off Zacharie's face, exposing the horrid damage done to him underneath. The Batter didn't seem concerned, not like he was about anything, but Zacharie was cautious about how The Batter would react to everything going on. He took it in more fine than he thought.

"Japhet, you wanna have the honors of showing Zacharie here our little toy?"

Dedan asked Japhet, who did not look at him in return.

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