Chapter 5

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As Japhet landed near the hospital, he held the whimpering Zacharie in his arms. He covered him with his feathers and walked inside of the hospital to be greeted by fearful Elsen.

"I would never be doing this if your injury wasn't as serious as a broken arm."

Japhet said, taking Zacharie into an empty hospital room. He gently placed Zacharie on the bed, almost like placing a doll on a plastic bed because of his enormous size. Elsen came to the scene and immediately went to Zacharie's aid.

"He has a broken arm. Return him to his shop once you're finished with him."

The lead Elsen nodded shakily as Japhet departed from the building. Back on the roof of the Library, bones stained with blood coated the ground where the Bad Batter had smashed him. He stuck out his tongue a couple of times, similar to that of a reptile (notably a snake or lizard). He stormed to the door and walked down the flights of stairs, hoping to reach the hospital without anyone noticing him. He still looked intimidating, especially with blood coating his fangs and mouth. Meanwhile at the hospital, the Elsen gently wrapped a cast around Zacharie's arm. He whimpered a bit in pain as the Elsen moved it into a new position, but after that, he seemed fine.

"Th-Thank you."

Zacharie said.

"Hhhh… You're welcome, sir."

The Elsen replied, and left the room. Zacharie was far beyond afraid. His name had been disclosed after so many years of trying to forget everything about it. He lied there in the room, hurt and alone. The only thing on his mind was his tortured past. Outside, the Bad Batter made his way to the hospital, rainclouds starting to loom over the area. He sighed, and walked in, looking at all the Elsen staring at him in utter shock. They made a path for him, and attempted to avoid him. He hissed at them as he made his way to where he assumed Zacharie was, for his incredible sense of smell led his way. He tried to close his fingers around the door and open it to find out that it successfully worked. Zacharie looked in the direction of the door past the curtain, and saw what he thought was the Bad Batter.

"Batter? S'That you?"

He got a low sad growl in response.

"He-Hey… Don't cry! Here, move the curtains away."

Zacharie said, trying to cheer him up. A large claw, just as Zacharie remembered, pushed away the curtains. The Bad Batter had a gloomy look on his face, enhanced by the blood splattered all over him. Zacharie signaled him to come closer, and the Bad Batter did so.

"Come 'ere, big buddy. Don't cry over me like this."

He said, as he attempted to hug the Bad Batter with his one arm. He hugged him back awkwardly, and with his other claw, he examined the strange cast on Zacharie's left arm. Zacharie cringed as the Bad Batter lifted up his wounded arm.

"I hurt it pretty bad… L-Leave it alone."

He said with as much patience as he could. The Bad Batter moved his hand away and let out a soft whimper. Zacharie rubbed his back in return, feeling the Bad Batter slowly shrink. The Batter was back, hugging him in a caring and loving embrace.

"It was my entire fault. I could not protect you from myself."

Zacharie felt four individual teardrops drip onto the sleeve of his sweater, as The Batter placed his head on Zacharie's shoulder like a pillow.

"Nah, man. It wasn't your fault at all! It was… It was really mine…"

The Batter pulled away.

"Why did you do that to yourself?! You had me worried!"

"I just… I was struck with so much sadness that I… I don't know what got into me. I guess just seeing you… And then that thing… It was just too much."

"I know what you are trying to say."

"I thought you would, Mister Know-It-All."

Zacharie chuckled, bringing himself nose to nose with The Batter. Zacharie slowly removed The Batter's hat with his right arm, exposing The Batter's four eyes. Four. Zacharie wiped away the tears of each of the eyes, looking at how much pity The Batter had.

"It wasn't your fault."

"I know that."

Zacharie smiled at The Batter's response, and brought himself closer, to where they were nearly touching lips. The Batter flushed a deep crimson, as Zacharie brought a kiss to his lips. He wrapped his only arm around The Batter's neck like a scarf, as he felt The Batter soon kiss back. Minutes later, Zacharie pulled away, breathing heavily.

"I… Oh…"

He said. The Batter was completely silent, the blush on his face bringing out the red in his eyes.

"I made that a little awkward."

Zacharie confessed, as The Batter placed his baseball cap back on his head.

"Need I say more?"

He said sarcastically, making Zacharie laugh.

"A great time to use sarcasm, Batter."

He stood up from the bed, as The Batter bent down so that Zacharie could use him to keep his balance. Zacharie's smile grew, and The Batter nodded in return.

"Next time I'm teaching you how to smile."

Zacharie said, as The Batter nudged him a little.

"Only focus on what lies ahead of you in life. I do not think that making me smile is one of them."

Zacharie chuckled and walked out the door with The Batter's help.

"Too bad I'm a lefty."

Zacharie sighed, walking to the car and entering the code to get in. The two got in and sat down.

"I guess that's one disadvantage."

"One? I got plenty more others!"

He complained, as The Batter nudged him again, this time a bit harder.

"Don't push it."

He said, trying to act teasingly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll try not to."

The two of them sat next to each other on the bench in the car for the rest of the ride home. Zacharie had fallen asleep on The Batter's lap, and The Batter was still wide awake, in case they reached home before they awoke. He didn't mind Zacharie on his lap.

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