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I called my mom and spent nearly 6 minutes explaining everything to her. It took that long only because I felt myself ready to cry about 3 times. I had transformed into the biggest crybaby right about now. I still stood far away from the scene and from everyone circling in on the scene. I watched as people were sitting in the back of the ambulance truck getting help, and the police interviewed a few people. I should've been over there doing some explaining too, but I can't even explain what had happened to my own mom. What did I look like breaking down in the middle of my story in front of the police?

I spotted a tall man with caramel skin tone and short curly hair attatched to his head, he was an exact replica of Chresanto. He ran over to the scene. It was Chresanto's dad. He pushed past the huge crowd of people in search of his son. But the police met up with him and I guess told him to get away from the scene. It took him a long time to obey the cop's order and back away. He was still searching for his son, but Chresanto was already in the ambulance and was rushed to a hospital.

I ran over to him and tapped his shoulder, "Um, Mr. August?"

He quickly turned around, looking at me. I've neer seen a man with the most hurt, worried, and terrified look on their face. Ever!

"Chresanto has been rushed to a hospital already," I said in a shy tone.

"I gotta-I gotta go up there! I'm not losing another person who mean so much to me," he said, frantically exiting the crowd as I followed, "I can drive you to the hospital."

"My mom is coming in a few, so I'll wait on her. You can go ahead."

"Alright, thank you so much for calling me," he nodded his head at me and quickly ran off.

I stood in that same spot for numerous minutes before hearing someone call my name. My eyes searched through the crowd of people and on the streets. I saw my mom walk past people and walk up to people asking them questions. I haven't been so happy to see my mom ever. I ran over to her screaming, "Mom! Mom!"

"Dionne!" she called and ran over to me. She embraced me so tight and we didn't say a single word for a while. I just melted in my mother's arms as her motherly warmth radiated from her and onto me.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said, holding onto my head, looking into my face, and cracked a small smile.

"Me too, mom. We have to go to the hospital for Chresanto."

"Alright, c'mon baby," she said and held onto my hand. We walked to her car and in a flash, we drove to the hospital. Before she got the chance to turn the car off, I rushed out the car and into the hospital. I ran up to the desk, "Chresanto August! I'm here for Chresanto August!"

"He's not ready for visitors yet, but you can join that man over there," she pointed over at the waiting area and where Chresanto's dad was sitting.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh as I walked to the waiting area and sat with my mom and Chresanto's dad. "This is unbelievable!" Chresanto's dad shouted.

He startled everyone in the waiting room causing them to jump and look at him. "How dare someone shoot up the inside of the bus like that!" he said in a lower tone.

He and my mom had a conversation together as I sat in the chair next to them and sunk in my chair.

I pulled out my phone and texted Rayon and Sely in a group chat:
I'm in the hospital because Chresanto got shot! Tell Senta too.

It wasn't less than a minute I felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my hand. I opened the text and it read:
Ray2wice: She gotta b kiddin man.
Ray2wice: this cannot be true
Selybelike: ;-( DIONNE ANSWER US RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
Ray2wice: YES NIGGA!
Selybelike: ME TOO
Me: Nigga, I wouldnt lie about shit like this e_e bring you, Sely, and Senta ass here, NOW!!
Ray2wice: Aight, we'll be there before you know it.

And he wasn't lying either. I sat in my seat for 10 minutes and I already seen Senta, Rayon, and Sely walk into the waiting room in that order. They greeted our parents and sat beside me.

"What happened?!" Senta queried in a worried tone.

I let out a breath before explaining for the third time. They all sat listening, shocked, surprised, and saddened. Senta shook her head and placed her head in her hands.

"It's all my fault. I should've never told him to come over at that time," she cried.

"No, it's not your fault, Senta. Don't blame it on yourself," Sely said to comfort her.

"It's that person who decided to shoot up the Metro bus! It's his fault!" Rayon growled, "I wish I knew who he was, 'cause I would've beat his ass!"

"But if I didn't call him and tell him to come over at that time, then he wouldn't had been hurt!" Senta cried out again.

"Senta, it was just that.....we were at the wrong place at the wrong time," I explained, "It's not your fault. So please, stop blaming yourself."

"Yeah," Sely agreed, "You weren't the shooter."

Senta looked at us both and nodded her head, "Alright, you guys are right."

I rolled my eyes at her and looked away from her, sitting back in my seat. I still didn't like her at the moment. I wish she hadn't call him to come over. We wouldn't had been on that bus at that time. And probably right about now, we'd be on another bus and on our way home and not in the damn hospital. Though it still wasn't her fault.

We all waited on one thing, for Chresanto's name to be called. And we all anticipated that he'd be alright. It has been so long that we've waited. Rayon paced around outside every now and then. Sely went back and forth to the vending machine, anxiously snacking on her snacks. My mom left twice to go outside to smoke a ciggarette every 20 minutes along with Mr. August. Senta and I sat and sat staring at the wall. Just waiting.

"Chresanto August," a male called out in a solemn voice.

We all turned our head around to see a Caucasian doctor standing in the waiting area wearing a white lab coat and he held a clipboard in his hand. We all got up and rushed over to the doctor in sync. The doctor greeted us all with a smile, "Follow me," he motioned his hand for us to follow him. We all trailed behind the doctor to a hallway where so many people weren't walking back and forth.

"Uh, hello, I'm Dr. Sanford. You're all here for Chresanto August, right?"

We all nodded quickly, "How is he? Is he okay?" Chresanto's dad asked before we all got the chance to.

"Um," the doctor scratched the back of his head, staring at his clipboard.

"Ah, damn," I heard Rayon mutter.

"Chresanto has died fourty-three minutes ago," the doctor announced in sorrow.

I felt my heart drop to my feet as I listened to those words, "He-He did?"

The doctor nodded as my mom pulled me close to her, rubbing my shoulder, "Chresanto was shot twice. Once in his side and once near his heart. While we were still performing surgery on Chresanto to remove the bullet out of his chest, we lost him."

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