4. When tears are shed

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      A tear runs down my face and then I can't help it. I full on cry, my throat burning. "Mommy.." I whisper.
Hermione wakes up from her sleep and asks me "what's wrong"
"My mom is d-d-." I can't say it out loud.
"What spit it out!" She yells at me.
"She dead!!" I scream.
"Oh, Izze." Hermione whispers. She hugs me so tight is hard to breathe but I cry on her shoulder anyways. I feel a tear on my shoulder. Hermione's crying. She only met my mother once but she still shares my grief. I guess I woke the whole house up with my crying because Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Molly, Sirius, Arthur, and Remus come rushing into the room. I sniffle and look up at them with my red eyes.
     Hermione tells them what happened and Fred rushes over to me and holds me tight. He pulls me onto his lap. I would be screaming with joy right now, but this is really not the time. "I've lost so m-m-many p-people. Not my M-m-momm-y-y  t-t-oo." I stutter into his chest.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry. She loves you so much. I know she does." He whispers. "But, Greg doesn't." I blurt out. "Who's-Oh you're dad. Yes he does! He loves you too." He says. I cover my mouth. Hermione looks at me expectantly. "No! Not now!" I tell at her, my eyes burning. "She's gone and I can't do anything bout it," I say, my own throat choking me.

"Why now? She couldn't have waited till I was home so I could say goodbye?" I say.
"The cancer was to much for her to handle." Remus says after he reads the letter.
"I know. I'm just..." I say.
"Grieving. I know. It's ok. We are all here for you." Harry says and he walks over to me and pats my shoulder.
"No. You guys just go back to bed." I say to the gang.
"I'll stay. The rest of you can go." Fred says.
They all leave after giving me a brief hug. George winks at me and I laugh a little.
"I'm so sorry this had to happen." Fred says. I almost forgot he was holding me, I just felt so...comfortable.
"I guess she was too weak." I say, but a whisper is all I can manage. My mom just freaking died. I think to myself. I stop crying and take deep breaths as Fred instructs me.
"She can't be dead. I don't believe it." I say. 'My world is crashing down. Well maybe I'm being dramatic but my mom just died.' These words keep swirling around in my mind. I cry harder. "I know. I know." Fred whispers.
"No you don't know. Your mother hasn't died yet and your father isn't a crazy lunatic." I yell at him.
"What makes Greg a lunatic?" He asks me. I sigh.
"Greg's an alcoholic." I whisper.
"Wha-Really?! Did he hurt you? What happened?" He says frantically and gets up, pacing.
"He...uh. Yeah..." I whisper slowly.
"I'm gonna kill him!" He yells, his arms flying around him.
"No, please. He was drunk he didn't even know what was happening." I say.
"Why are you defending him? He hurt you!" He yells at me. I've never really seen Fred this angry. I whimper a little at his anger. I hate feeling so weak, but my mom just freaking died!
"Because....he's all I've got left now."
"I know...I'm just so angry. He's been hurting you and I didn't even know it." He says softer. "Because I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to like...kill him I guess. I wouldn't want you to go to jail or something." I say with a slight chuckle.
"That much is obvious." He says. We both laugh a little. I'm starting to feel better but I just can't seem to get it into my think skull that my mother just died!

      "You should go to bed. We've got to get up tomorrow."
"Stay with me?" I ask. Long shot. I know.
"I wasn't planning on leaving." He says. 'Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!' I scream in my mind. I snuggle back into bed and he lays next to me. "Just like last year." Fred whispers.
"Yep. Although I wasn't utterly destroyed that night." I whisper back.
"I know. But we'll get through this." He says. "Together." I whisper.
"Good night, Iz." He whispers.
"Good night, Freddie." I whisper to him. He looks down at me and stares into my eyes. I can't look away. His eyes mesmerize me.
"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you more." I whisper back, staring into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. I'm hoping he really meant he loved me. He might have just been too tired to care what he said, but doesn't that mean he still likes me? I don't know what I'll do if he didn't really mean it. 'Snap out of it!' I yell at myself. I stay present in the moment and close my eyes with a big grin on my face.

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