10. A much needed incident

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After classes the twins and I start to set up the prank party so we can advertise the Weasley's Wizard Whizzes. "Those go over here." I tell George and pull a bow from his grasp. After I place it on the right shelf I hear a pop behind me. I turn and Fred is laughing giddily. I probably look really messy, running around all afternoon. "You look exhausted, love." He says grinning. "Yeah, I know. I'm gonna go get changed." I say. "See you soon" he calls. I smile and run into the common room and into my dorm.

Hermione is waiting for me and she thanks me for this morning, "You needed it" is all I say. "Well, thanks." She says and walks out the door. I sigh and grab my outfit off my bed. As I run into the bathroom to get ready. Then just as I get to the sink I fall. My face hits the ground, hard and I groan in pain. There's a knock on the door but I don't get up. "Izze! Open up!" Hermione yells. "Use the bloody key!" I yell back, only resulting in another groan. She opens the door and rushes into the bathroom, staring at my sprawled out body on the ground. "What the bloody hell happened?" She asks as she hauls me up to my feet. "I fell..." I whisper. "Well, I see that. Your face is pretty busted up, Iz. I think we need to go to the infirmary." She says. "But I don't want to miss the party." I whine. "Madame Pomfrey is fast. It'll only take a little time out." She reassures me as she drags me out of the common room and into the infirmary.

"You'll be ok Miss Mahler." Madame Pomfrey says. "While, we are here can I ask you something?" I ask her. Thankfully Hermione isn't here. "Yes of course, dear." She says. "Um. This scar on my arm...will it heal?" I ask. I show her my arm and she gasps as she inspects it. "Who did this dear child." She asks. "It's from last year. A death eater um did that..." I whisper. I don't want to scare any other patients in here. "Well....um...I don't think it'll heal up. The attacker used a spell that enhanced the weapon with the poison in the spell to scar the victim. It is a dark spell." She explains. I sigh and shake my head. I'm so gonna kill that guy in the war. I think to myself. "I've also got to tell you something. While I was healing your wounds I um noticed something. You've got a special gift. I'm not sure what it is yet or where you got it but when I checked in your eyes. It is all really complicated but I just know." She says. That sounds familiar. I feel like this is sorta what Sirius was telling me. Well you know he can tell the future or is he... "Well, you're free to go. The wound will disappear in about a day or two." She says. "Ok, much thanks." I say and rush out. Cautiously I jog up the stairs and back into my dorm. "Your ok. It looks a lot better." Hermione says. "I've got to gooo!" I say and strut into the bathroom. I change my clothes and do my makeup, then back down stairs to go.

"Iz, what happened?" Fred asks, frantically examining my face. "I tripped and I've already gone to the infirmary so I'll be ok." I explain to him. "Well, I'm glad your ok. Let's go. We've got a lot of mischief to cause." He says and we go off to give a first year a 'special' treat. Mwah ha ha ha ha!

Harry finally told the rest of the trio about the detention, but he got all mad at Mione. He's getting angrier by the minute. I wonder why...wait I think I know...why...maybe Voldy is a part of him. Maybe when he tried to kill Harry a part of the horcruxs...how do I know this. We haven't even. Omgs! I know what my special gift is...do I like know the future or predict the future? Ok that's weird! Omgs! I've got to tell Dumbledore...but he's busy. Should I tell Sirius? Yeah, I'll do that. I think he's the only one I can trust right now who can do something about it. I'll talk to him later. Right now I've got to leave my powers alone. Maybe I should talk with Luna too. "Harry?" I ask him. "Yeah?" He says and moves form his seat to he couch with me. "Do you think you could talk with Luna with me?" I ask. "Uh...sure?" He says. "Great. I'll be right back." I say. I've got to find her shoes. I walk out around the school and see her shoes tied to a ceiling beam. I roll my eyes. I can't get up there. I sigh and go back to the common room to grab a pair of my shoes. "Ready?" I ask Harry. "Yep." He says and we go out to the forest.

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