22: Train Ride

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Dumbledore came to talk with me about my powers and he laughed at how much I sound like my Father when he was a teen.

Apparently my dad has a lot of sass. But I told him I'm proud of my sass. I call it swass.

He has gotten his job back and has helped me with controlling my powers, not that they are out of control. Now I guess you could say I'm happier.

But, I couldn't forget. Today was the last day of school. And now I'm about to get on the train. Harry has gotten his posse ready and he's making his last words of the year.

"At least we know something we have. Something worth fighting for." Harry says. Friendship.

I decided not to go home so soon and so I went to Diagon Ally. Do Ya know why?

I'm about to go see the man of my life in the best place of my life on the best day of my life. Booooyaaaa! I guess I can rap now.

Anywho, the train ride back home was ok. Malfoy has been following me around and I'm getting sick of it. Finally I just stop in my tracks and he bumps into me and falls down. I smirk and skip back down the hall. I find my compartment and then I sit down and read.

"Love is an open doooooooor!" Ginny yells and opens the screen. "Did you and Harry chat again?" I ask, not even looking up from my book.

"Yep! He told me all about his adventures and all I did was stare into his adorable eyes and the way they sparkle in the-" I put my hand over her mouth and stare intensely into her eyes. She knows what to do. To Shut up. But she doesn't. Instead she licks my hand and runs off into another compartment.

"Ewwwww!" Then I run out the door after her, but sadly I bump into someone and fall to the ground.

"Watch it- Oh hey sweetie." A dark voice says. I look up and see a familiar face. "Oh, hey Blaise!" I say, grabbing his hand, which he rudely never offered. I pull myself up and smile at him.

"Who are you chasing?" He asks. "Ginny, she licked me." I say. He laughs. "I best be off, but nice talking with you." "Ya you too." I call after him. He just waves and walks off. I roll my eyes at him.

A while later there's only an hour left until we get to Kings Cross. I'm so excited to see Freddie! Yay!

Ok maybe I'm a little obsessed. Maybe I need to kiss Malfoy...holy crap! What did I just think? Ok that's not right. The fact that I just said that makes me want to... bathroom... please.

I've got to change into my regular clothes anyways. I grab my purse, slide the door open, and slide out into the corridor.

While I change I hear a knock on the door. "One moment, please. I'll be out in a couple minutes." I say, annoyed. Who would be knocking already. I only just got in!

"You'd better come out or I'm coming in!" A voice snarls. Pansy! Why, can't she just leave me alone!

I throw on my shirt and pants, slip on my shoes, and then throw open the door. (http://www.polyvore.com/casual_greeting/set?id=153977805)

I almost hit Pansy with it and smirk. But, she smirks more and snaps her fingers. Hands grab me around my bare stomach and mouth, I try to bite the persons hand, but his hands are too cubby and it wouldn't do much harm. Probably Crabbe.

The hands pull me into an unknown compartment. I guess I'm in for another beating.

 I've already had one hell of a year. 

--Thanks for reading this story. I hope you will comment and vote. 


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