7. Two boys and three problems

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---Izze's P. O. V. ---

   We are on the train to Hogwarts right now. I'm still angry at Fred because locking my friend in a closet isn't the way to get to me. He made a mistake and I know he didn't mean to and he was just worried but I need my space from him. Now I'm just waiting for an apology and for him to know what he's doing to make me get annoyed by him. Cindy and Abigail have been texting me for a while so I'm trying to write back. Hermione and I go to change. When I come out of the bathroom I walk down to our compartment but I bump into someone, hard.
"Hey! Watch it Mud-" Malfoy stops and stares at me. He kept me from falling but once I figure out its him I pull myself out of his grasp and fall to the floor.
"Oh, hey Izze. Glad I could catch you." He says and pulls me up again.
"Uh...yeah. Hi. Um...are we...friends?" I ask him.
"Yes! I told you last year! I mean...um...No Mudblood!" He stutters.
"Uh...ok. Bye!" I say and skip away. Man, he's confusing. Once I get to the compartment everyone looks at me.
"What?" I say and sit down.
"You were talking with Malfoy." Harry said.
"Yeah, he bumped into me and was being a jerk." I say simply.
"Oh, good." Ron says.
"Fred feels really bad...." Hermione starts.
"No, I don't want to talk about him right now. He's not on my mind and I'd like to keep it that way. I say and start reading my book. An Abundance Of Katharine's is my new fav book. I've already read it twice already.
"Oh not that bloody thing again." Ron says.
"Yes this bloody thing again. I've got three problems on my mind and I need this to help me, Ronald!" I say and start from chapter seven.
"Why three? Why not one?" Hermione asks.
"I've got three problems I need to be solved. 1. How I will live without parents. 2. How to tell Fred I love him. And 3. What to do with life in general!!" I yell I little loud. I guess I got feed up in the sentence. Whoops.
"Um...Izze. Calm down. It's ok. We get it." Ron says.
"We're almost there. I'm gonna take a quick nap. Tell me when we're there." I say and lean my head against the window. I watch the blur of the countryside rush past us. I finally fall into a deep sleep.
"Izze! Izze. Wake up." Someone says, shaking my shoulders. I don't open my eyes. I feel way to tired.
"Five...ten more minutes." I whisper, still not opening my eyes.
"Damn it Mudblood get up!" A cold harsh voice yells and pushes me off my comfy seat. My eyes flicker open.
"Draco! What are you doing here?" I ask him. I push myself off the floor.
"Your friends left you here. I came looking." He says simply, as if it wasn't a big deal.
"Why were you looking for me?" I ask him, smirking.
"Uh...well. I uh..." He says. Wow I've never been able to make Draco Malfoy speechless.
"Man Draco, I thought you were more man than that." I say, smirking.
"I could be a man." He says and walks towards me.
"Uh...what are you doing?" I ask, backing away.
"Kissing you." He says, leaning in. He pins me against the wall and kisses me. His lips are cold against mine. I don't kiss back at all and he pulls away.
"Uh...sorry I was just..." He says.
"What the hell!?" I yell and storm out of the compartment and onto the train station to find a carriage. I hate Draco sometimes, he should know by now that I like someone else. I bet he just likes me for my looks. I'm a muggle born anyways.
"Blaise!" I yell. Yes, Im friends with a pureblood freak hut he's got a different side to him. I mean Cedric did too.
"Izze!" He calls back. I run to him and hug him.
"Hey Iz." He says.
"I missed you. How was your summer." I say.
"Dinning with purebloods is surprisingly exhausting" he answers.
"Oh! I thought you were a pure blood freak!" I say teasing him.
"Izze, you know the real me. I'm not like that at all." He says simply.
"Well, Pansy and the goofs are over there and I have to go, but I'll talk to you later." Blaise says and he hug again.
"Bye Blaise." I say and we part. Finally I find a carriage with Neville Luna and the trio.
"Oh, Hey ditchers." I say and turn away from them.
"Izze! Omg I'm so sorry." Hermione says.
"No, if you were sorry you would have come to get me instead of letting Malfoy kiss me!!" I yell. The whole carriage looks at me astonished.
"He kissed you?!" Harry says angrily. "Yes, he bloody did!" The carriage is speechless.
"What is pulling this thing?" I say astonished by the dark creatures.
"They're thestrals." Luna explains.
"They can only be seen by people who have seen death." Luna explains.
"Right." I whisper. Hermione seems confused and Harry's nodding his head. I tune them out and read.

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