The Nomad's Voyage

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Directly after what was known as the Great Galactic war, humans were finally gifted their own home planet. Humania, formerly known as Enson, was the twin sister planet to Polarn, home of the Polers and was firmly placed in the Poler System. Some plants, like Melrose, Pelona, and many others, made it mandatory for any human living on their planet to move to the new home world, but many other planet governments did not.

After the last member of Space Corps died by the hands of Space Pirates, and most of the people who were alive at the time died, the war turned into ancient history. The entire concept of a previous human planet drifted into myth as well, as most people assumed that Humania was the only planet that humans had ever called home. Many facts about the previous eras were lost in time, as general galactic education was still lacking. If you went to one end of Free Space, you would hear a very different history than the other end of Free Space. In the Katherson Sector, it was taught that humans were aliens from a different galaxy entirely, but in the Earth Sector, now called the Belonzic sector, it was taught that humans were the only ones that evolved in the Milky Way Galaxy.

In the many years following the war, planets were allied under the common ground of being in the same sector, and sectors entirely became their own little governments. This caused outcry in some planets, and small wars were fought. The concept of Free Space being a place without major governments and empires drifted away into obscurity, as more and more planets tried to unite other planets under one banner.

Soon, across the galaxy and in what was previously called Free Space, 9 governments ruled: The Ptonlmn Alliance which included the Ptonlmn System, the Xarzoq System, the Melrose System, and the Txelmas System, the Republic of Terra which included the Marthon System, the Soleon System, the Terra System, the Kanthon System, and the Ferron System, The Chingis Empire which included, The Chingis System, the Veredue System, the Kalo System, the Zekonia System, and the Benzoic System, the United Systems of the Katherson Sector which included the Katherson System, the Demeux System, the Fazar System, the Pharlos System, and the Lamlot System, the Molotis Empire which included the Molotis System, the Kchilis System, the Stalmog System, and the Lemlom System, the Zalzaic Empire which included the Zalzaic System and the M'taisis System, the Marzef Empire which only system was the Marzef System, the Z'xalplemte'k Allinece which included the Z'xalplemte'k System and the Marzo System, and the Democratic Republic of the Belonzic System which included the Poler System, the Deuxable System, the Shason System, the Phonzek System, the Belonzic System, the Marginenron System.

These 9 governments were quickly at each other's throats, and the small time of peace in between the Great Galactic war and this time period, which came to be known as the Infinite Wars, was soon forgotten. And in this war, no space was gained, and no space was lost. The only outcome of the war, was death. All of the hard work to keep Free Space free of any major governments was destroyed and no peace was on the horizon.

Part One: Call to Adventure

Aeden Ivan Inder sat alone at the bar in the city of Neo Denver on the planet of Humania drinking the strongest alcohol that the bartender could give him. Although he was only 19, it was legal in his province of Colarda. Aeden's light brown hair was messy and his white skin was cold and clammy. Aeden was built strong, his wide shoulders, and a strong jaw made him look very scary and strong, although he had never hurt anyone very badly.

Aeden was dissatisfied with his life. He was just kicked out of his house and forced to join the DRBS army as a pilot. No part of him wanted to fight in the futile war that had been going on for his entire life. The man had been a good pilot his entire life, and due to the education system's mandatory training made him an excellent fighter and an even better shot. But he never wanted to hurt anybody.

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