Chapter 1 I Died!?! Harry's POV

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Chapter 1 Harry's POV

I awoke to a White foggier version of King's Cross station, why am I waking up?

Didn't Voldemort kill me?

I looked around at first glance nothing stood out I was alone in the afterlife...or that's what I assumed this place to be. I couldn't help but be a little disappointed.....this is it? Where's my Parents? Sirius? Dumbledore?

I collapsed to my knees is this how it's going to be for eternity?

I covered my face with my hands and cried. But then I had this feeling, I'm not sure where it came from, it was almost instinctive.

Whatever it was it made me look up, and around me once more. This time I was shocked to see a figure shrouded in black clothing a hood over his head I couldn't see its face, it stood ten feet away from means stared at the white tiled floor of this afterlife train station...

"Who are you!" I yelled.

The figure looked up and I was shocked to be looking into the eyes of a boy, maybe a couple years younger than me.

"Harry Potter. I'm so so sorry...." The boy said.

"Sorry? About what?" I asked him.

He said sadly. "It's not your time yet. I'm sorry that you have to wait longer to see your parents again."

"Wait. My parents! What would you know about my parents?"

"Many things I know you're mother was a born into a family that knew nothing of the Magical world, and that your father was born a Pureblood wizard and had a best friend called Sirius Black, who was a wanted criminal for a while."

I stared at this teen in shock. He knew about my parents....

"What do you know about me?"

"Everything but now's not the time, or place for that."

"Why? "

"Because the darkness is rising again and it's not just Voldemort that you, will have to deal with. And this new threat is much, much, worse."

"Why me!" I shouted.

He laughed loudly and bent over holding his stomach. "Sorry. Sorry." He Apologized still grinning. "You just sound like one of my best friends when you say that."

"Who are you? And how can I even be sure your not lying to me?"

"You can't. Plain and simple. But when you get a request to go to America, you'll know I wasn't. As to your question of who I am." He said drawing down his hood....

"My name is Nico. Nico de Angelo."

I was surprised at his last name, this guy didn't seem angelic in the least, I'd say demonic would be closer to the truth. It must have showed on my face because he said.

"I know I'm not an angel. You should wake up Harry get out of here and save your school."

Suddenly everything faded into a white void and I lost consciousness.

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