Chaper 2 The Warrior of Night Percy's POV

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(A/N Warning- there may be minor for spoilers the House of Night in this book.) 

I was running down a woodland path, there seemed to be no end to it. How long had I been running, hours? Days? Minutes? I didn't quite know why I was running, but it felt urgent.....

"Perseus Jackson!" The path ended in a shadowed clearing all living things in the clearing where dead, except.....For a Man shrouded in blackness, and he had Raven wings on his back that seemed to cancel out light. "I have come to deliver a message."

"A message from who?"

The man looked at me and said. "You must join us Perseus Jackson."

"Who are you and why the Hades would I join you?"

"You must, or My Lady will ruin your life and make the world turn dark."

"Is your lady Nyx?"

I'm surprised Perseus Nyx said and I quote, that you. "Are not very smart."

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I am Kalona Brother of Erebus, Warrior of Nyx, and Son of Chaos. Join us Percy Jackson."

"I would never betray my friends, surely your lady Nyx told you that."

"Don't patronize me Perseus.... You will regret it!"


"Percy! Percy! Perseus Jackson, wake up!"

"I awoke in my bed to see Annabeth standing beside me, and yelling my ears off..."

"What is it Annabeth? Why are you yelling at me so early in the morning?"

"It's not early.... You're missing breakfast...And so am I because I took it soon myself to wake up my lazy boyfriend!"

Annabeth stormed out of my cabin with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Geez what's wrong with her? Wait, did Annabeth say I'm missing breakfast."

I jumped out of bed, threw on some jeans, and ran out the door of my cabin, I Can't miss breakfast, I want some of those blue pancakes and blue cherry coke.

I sat down at the Poseidon table just in time to finish breakfast and Rachel to make her way over to me.

"Hey Percy, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Rachel what's up?"

"The sky, but in all seriousness....Percy I've been having a bad feeling about how that battle with Gaia and Nyx ended."

I debated silently about telling Rachel about my dream about Kalona. Now that I thought about it I've never heard of Kalona before.

"Do you know about an Immortal called Kalona, Rachel?"

"No I don't why?"

"No reason, I thought I heard one off the Athena campers say something about it."

"It seems kind of eerily familiar, Percy I  can't put my finger on it though."

"Oh well, thanks anyway Rachel."

I started walking away.



"You know you can talk to me about anything right?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

I walked away to the Athena cabin to find Annabeth. If anyone knows about Kalona, it'll be Annabeth or No one.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now