Love Attached - Chapter 32: Twinsies

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I laid in bed next to my husband of 3 months now. He just got back home from California for writing and recording sessions with the rest of the band. He would've stayed longer if it weren't for the fact that I was about to burst. They had been planning this trip since before the last tour so that they could get a new album out and they were supposed to stay for another month, but with me being 8 1/2 months pregnant, there was no way he could stay that much longer. We knew there was possibility of the babies coming a couple of weeks early so it was better safe than sorry. 

Nash has been so careful lately with me lately. Making sure not to make any wrong moves, always waiting on me hand and foot, back rubs almost daily, cooking for me. I'm kind of starting to get used to it and I'm dreading the day when he goes back on tour, leaving me to take care of myself. 

He laid next to me, his tattooed chest rising and falling with his breaths, a few snores thrown in there as well. I couldn't help but love his snore. It was actually kind of cute at times like this when I couldn't sleep and it was the only company I had other than his body next to mine. It let me know that he was there and he wasn't going to leave me. Weird, I know. It just gave me a sense of peace. It was better than silence when I couldn't sleep, like it was his way of talking to me even when he wasn't really talking. 

I shifted slightly, trying to get in a more comfortable position while trying to be as gentle as possible so I didn't wake him. He groaned quietly before moving slightly and going back to sleep. I sighed as I finally got comfortable and drifted off into a dream.

"Nash! Wake up!" I placed my hand on my stomach as a winced at the pain and the other hand flew to hit Nash's chest in an attempt to wake him up. He shot up immediately asking what was wrong. "Oh, I don't know. I'm just laying in a puddle of water cause I thought it'd cool me off at 4 in the morning. What do you think?"

"Tha's an amazing idea! Thanks for waking me up to give me that idea. I'll try it next time I get hot at night!"

"Nash!" I glared at him which snapped him out of his joking thoughts. 

"Oh, shit! Now? Like right now?" I nodded and he jumped up to get everything ready to go to the hospital. I sat there watching him as he focused on what he was doing, making sure not to forget anything as he packed an overnight bag and the diaper bag. He must've noticed me watching him and he ran over to where I was sitting on the bed and knelt down in front of me. "Are you ready for this?" I nodded smiling. "I'm glad one of us is. I'm scared as fuck right now. And I'm tired, too." He placed his hand on my stomach and whispered to Cameron and Aliyah. "You two sure can be a pain in the ass, you know that? Waking me up at 4 in the morning so you can come out of mommy. Gah." I slapped him slightly and giggled.

"Hey, they woke me up first! And you know you'll love to have them in your arms when they get here!"

"I know I will." He stood up once more and kissed me on the forehead. "Now I have to finish getting everything ready to go. Including putting car seats in a Mini Cooper. This is gonna be interesting." 

I giggled. "Let me know when you get ready to do that so I can remind you of how I tried to talk you into getting the 4 door version of your car." He rolled his eyes at me before he walked back to where he was packing our bags. 

About 20 minutes and 5 contractions later, Nash had the car loaded and ready to go. He helped me up from the bed and walked me to the car. Since I had this huge tummy in front of me, it was hard for me to stay balanced.

When we finally arrived at the hospital we walked into the emergency room since everything else would be closed at 4 in the morning. Nash helped me sit down in one of the waiting room chairs as he went to the registration desk. Luckily, they consider being in labor a huge emergency and got me into a room within 15 minutes. The contractions were getting closer and closer together which meant the twins were coming and they weren't waiting for me to be ready for them. 

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