Love Attached - Chapter 1: No Strings Attached

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He held you tight, making sure to close the gap between the two of you. You know how he is. The type of guy to have a one night stand with no feelings attached. He hated feelings. So you made sure to keep everything normal. You made sure you didn't tell him you loved him or cared about him. If you did it would ruin everything you had with him. You enjoyed what you had. Sex with no strings attached. Someone to come to when you felt you had no one else. Okay. Maybe you did show him you cared some but you never said it out right. You were afraid of losing the one guy you really loved because of feelings. Stupid right? You hide your feelings to keep feelings? But you can't help but love how it feels.

It's 3 A.M. in Nashville. You're cuddled up with the guitarist of your favorite band. With all the thoughts running through your head, you can't help it. You have to get out. You kiss him on the cheek softly, making sure not to wake him. You slowly untangle from his grip and leave the bed. You watch him silently for a few moments while he sleeps. He looks so sweet when he's asleep. You slowly dress yourself while keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't wake.

As you walk out of the room you turn back and whisper "I love you Nash." Something you'd only do while he's sleeping. You carefully close the door behind you and prepare for a cold winter's night walk.


I know what you're thinking. "Wow this really sucks." Honestly, it does at first. I'm sorry for that, but I promise it gets better. In Chapter 11 it changes to first person and is just a lot better from then on. If you can make it that far, I'm sure you'll love it!

Love Attached - A Nash Overstreet FanficWhere stories live. Discover now