Love Attached - Chapter 2: Winter Walk

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You walk through the park watching the snow drift softly around you. You have no idea how you got here but you're glad you did. You just got lost in your thoughts and walked wherever your feet took you. You look around slowly and smile. It's so peaceful here. The beautiful lights strung up on the trees, the nativity scene placed in the middle of the park, the large frozen pond for ice skating. You can tell it's Christmas time in Nashville now. It's always so pretty.  

You suddenly snap out of your daze and realize that the sun's coming up. You quickly pull out your phone to check the time and realize that you have five missed calls and one voicemail from Nash.  

"Shit!" You say under your breath. "I thought you were asleep when I left.." Why would he call you like that? He never calls like that. Why is he so worried about you all of a sudden? 

You open your voicemail to hear a very frantic Nash. "Where the hell are you?! I woke up and you were gone! You can't do that to me! Call me back!" You slowly dial his number, scared of what you'll hear. Did he hear you when you whispered that you loved him? Is that what this is? You hit call. 

"Thank God!" He says when he answers. "Where have you been? What happened? Did I do something to make you leave? Is everything okay?" You're shocked to hear him say this. He just all of a sudden cares? This isn't like him. "Are you there?!" He asks frantically. "Yeah. I'm here." You reply. "Well.. What happened? Why'd you just up and leave like that?" "Uhm.. I just had a lot on my mind. I just needed to take a walk." "Well where are you? I'm coming to get you!" "I'm at the park.. Why are you so worried all of a sudden?" "...No reason... I'll be there soon." "Okay. See you soon." As you pull the phone away from your ear you hear him say something but you couldn't make out what it was. You decide to ask when he gets there instead of worrying about it now so you hang up and walk to the park bench. 

He shows up crying like a baby. "Why didn't you say it back?"

Love Attached - A Nash Overstreet FanficWhere stories live. Discover now