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15 years before........

You are at Springwood college walking back to your dorm room getting your laptop for class. You have a deep dark that you won't even tell your best friend, Jack. You bump into the weird girl, Jenny.

"Sorry Jenny," You say picking your books up.

"It ok," Jenny said cheerfully.

She flashes a quick smile as she hurries off into her room. You lock the door putting your books down and grab your laptop bag then walk back to class sitting next to JackJack look at you smiling then pay attention to the teacher but after classes you and Jack go out for lunch as you look up in the sky, you see the storm coming.

"Hey, Jack I'm heading back to my room let me know if Jenny bothers you again," You say hurrying off. 

"Ok Bye," He says walking over to his friends.

You leave to your room seeing your roommate sitting there with an all black robe on.

"You're back early," Tink says while packing a bag. 

"What are you wearing..." You say looking at your roommate weirdly. 

"Nothing" She yelled out.

She runs out of the room leaving the door open and you see a bunch of people running down the hall following her.
You close the door going to sleep.

Meanwhile with Jack...
That night Jack wakes up seeing fire in the woods. He throws on his sneakers and runs outside into the woods. The girls look at Jack grabbing him and hold him down. Jenny walks up to Jack with a blue mask on and a scooper.

"Take us to paradise Jack" Jenny cried out.

"W-what," Jack said looking at her scared.

Jenny scoops Jacks eyes out and pours black liquid onto his eyes sockets. Jack screams as the girls say a chant. Jack smirks killing the girls expect Jenny as she begs Jack but he takes a mask running off.

News of what happened that day spreads.
When you find out jack is missing you turn depressed for a while.

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