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In the morning Jack sits in your apartment waiting for you while you're at work.  After 4 hours you come inside placing files down along with your purse. Jack cleared his throat loudly looking at you with a smile. 

"Why are you here," You asked

"I have a question that all" Jack said

"Which is?" You asked sitting down on a chair.

"Do you wanna live with us?" He asked.

"J-Jack I can't. I have a life here and a job here." You say looking down.

"You can be a therapist at the house beside you can be with your father and make new friends!" He said while getting up.

"Jack baby I don't know," You say looking up at him.

"Please? For me?" He says with pleading eyes. 

"Fine...Only because I love you and miss my father" You say with a smile.


After 2 weeks all of your belonging been send to the house with the help of Jack's friends. After a good 2 months past, there was a search warrant out for you but your family gave up looking for you and declare you left on your own.  

But here it a positive day


Eyeless Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now