Only in English Class

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In this picture is the goofball that I love so so so much. P.S. I'm using everyone's middle name. The goof in the pictures name is Logan Blake Walz as Blake Walz. I'm Eden Jayde Robinson as Jayde Robinson. Abby Lauren Wilson one bestest (totally just made that a word) friends and my unbiolgical sister as Lauren Wilson ( I'm only telling info on main characters)~Eden

One new start and One True Love

6 months ago I began a new life at a new school in whole nother state at first I thought it was going to be the worst thing that ever happened to me but it actually turned out to be really freakin awesome I have the best friends and the best boyfriend in the world I think? I know I know how can you THINK someone's your boyfriend? Well look its completed OK I like him and he likes me I guess. Anyway it all started on a Friday it was a weird day like something was off nothing was normal like someone had ripped the life like out of our class. In English class Alan's mom was a sub for are class and all of a sudden he just started being a total jerk it's like so unacceptable cause he's like never a jerk. And well it was like someone had stolen all his happiness. But, that besides the point I was helping Taylor with are project on a Divided Loyalties: God or Baal I was trying to type up are report on Keynote and help Taylor take down note at the same time typical Jayde (that's me) multi tasking as always but Blake (My Biggest Crush in the world) I had to let him use my IPad for his project cause I'm just that nice and well he asked me if I could help him with typing his report up for him (if I didn't have enough to do already)but I mean it's Blake what could go wrong? Wow I was wrong I totally forgot that he gets distracted easily so he wanders of to Alan's desk cause he was playing on his iPad. I finally got Blake's attention (for the first time in forever) I was like almost done with his project and I made it clear that he was ' Sooo dedicate to this assignment's and he was really actually listening to me then he came over and wanted me to so him how to use the special affects to make his presentation look cooler. When he came over he was being weird as always but I wasn't paying any attention to him I mean it's normal Blake what are you gonna do. So he came over he was upset that I didn't add affects to the slide so we were both trying to do things to the slides but then it happened. His hand touched mine, then I looked up at him and he was looking at me " Sorry about that Jayde" He says softly and his cheeks turned more and more red "No No it's fine if was an accident no big deal" I say scrambling for words in my head trying not to say something stupid. "But what if it wasn't" he said. I was stuck I didn't know what to do then I said "I...I'm sorry" chocking on nothing but air. Trying not to loose my breath "I ummm I love you Jayde" he said so quite almost no one could here but I heard and I now felt as if Blake and I were the only two people I'm the world it felt like we were just in space. I feel right in to his beautiful crystal blue eyes everytime I look at them I fall into a lock and I can't be drawn way from then they always seem to glisten when I look a him. It hard to pinpoint exactly what I love about him I think it's just about EVERYTHING his eyes, his hair, his ability to put there's before himself, his charm I just don't know what it is makes me feel so weird but I love him.

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