We almost lost eachother!!!!!!

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It was lunch time and well I wasn't really feeling well and Lauren could tell. I was really dizzy and I felt like crap. She asked what was wrong but I didn't tell I felt sick. I told her everything was fine. I was eating lunch and Blake was excited to tell me what we are doing for Valentines Day but I have to break the bad news to him I have to go to Kentucky (my old home) because my old elementary school is having there annual Valentines Dance and my little sister has been begging my mom to go and guess what she gets what she wants unlike me I could ask my mom if we could go to Walmart a 5 minute drive and she would say no. My sister want to go to Kentucky a 10 hour drive what dose my mother say.... Yes of course. But that's ok when we get to Kentucky I'll just guilt trip my dad and we'll go do something together. Anyway I don't know how to tell him. I don't want to hurt him and he'll be devastated that I won't be with him on Sunday. This is are first Valentine's Day together and I can't even be with my baby for it. Why can't life just go my way sometimes? He comes over to  me kisses  my cheek and says "Hey guess what". I look at him with a fake smile and ask "What's up you seem super happy." "I have a great day planned for us on Sunday an I can't wait we're going mini golfing, go carting and then we are going to the movies to see-". He was saying before I cut him off "I have some bad news" I say sadly his face becomes confused "I umm I- I have to go back to Kentucky for the weekend babe I'm so so sorry you see-." He cut me off that's never good. "Wait so yournot gonna be here for are first Valentines Day together. I've been waiting for this day since we first met how could you?" Now I was devastated. I felt terrible he was so upset with me. "Blake I don't have a choice and you know this its not like I want to go. You know I love you so why are you reacting like this"? "Jayde I'm sorry but I wanted to spend sometime with you and I know you won't be at this school never year so I need to spend as much time as I can with you". I was stunned how did he find out I didn't t tell him I was moving schools and I was gonna tell him but when ever it comes up it makes me want to cry. "Blake who told you that"? I asked staring in confusion and frustration as my eyes began to water. "Lauren told me now I know that I wasn't supposed to know but why didn't you tell me." He was upset with me and I don't like that. "I didn't tell you because I was scared I was afraid you were going to be mad that I- ".  "Really you would never loose me I honestly can't believe that you actually thought I was going to brake up with you". He said as he stormed of I didn't know what to do was he mad at me but.inwasnt made at Lauren she was only looking out for me and she knew he would be upset it was better to tell him sooner then later. Lauren runs over like someone was died well I kind did I was about to loose the best boyfriend ever she hugs me and says "Are you ok so I can tell your not. No No No don't cry here come on let's go to the bathroom". She picks me up and we walk out of the lunchroom I was trying to fight back tears we get to the bathroom. I started baling my eyes out I was so upset I thought he hated me. Then she said to me  "You know we can go kill him and flush the evidence". She knows the perfect ways to make me feel better she said my favorite saying from LILO and Stitch and I laugh she looks at me I look at her there moments solvents then we burst out laughing. Mrs. Wilson walks in she looks and me and says "Oh honey come here is it Blake?" I start crying over again. "Aww it's ok." She says in her sweet soft voice. "I feel terrible I think her hates me." I say crying. "Oh sweetheart he doesn't hate you boys are dumb they always say things they don't mean."
"Thank you so much if it wasn't for you and Lauren I would crying my eyes out." "Jayde your very special to me I love you and if a boy doesn't see that you are an amazing girl then he does not deserve you." I love her so much I looked terrible. My makeup was all messed up but Mrs. Wilson didn't care in fact she wiped away the black running makeup streaming down my face. Then she said "Now go get some lunch I love to girls don't forget that if you need my I'm here for you guy alright." "Alright." Lauren and I say I unison. Lauren puts her arm around me and says "Let's go eat some lunch I'm hunger an I'm gonna need a full stomach to kill Blake." I look at her and nod. We get up stairs and I've got that sick feeling again but I brush it off. I was eating my food and the I felt like I was gonna throw up so I like stopped for a minute but that was a bad idea I had an acid reflex attack when that happens I have to take special meds or my throat could swell shut and that's exactly what it did. I tried looking in my bag for my meds but I haven't had an attack in like 3 years so didn't pack my medicine. In that case I was trying  to consume as much air as possible could but I said "Lauren help call 911." As everything was getting dark I was passing out and Blake ran over he said "Jayde come on stay with me I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you I was upset please just stay with me. I went out like a light. By the time I had waken up I was at the hospital (THANK YOU for calling an ambulance Lauren) my throat was really sore I tried talking but I couldn't. Blake was sitting by my side holding my hand the whole time. Lauren was pacing back and forth crying. When Blake noticed that I was awake he paged a nurse. My head was pounding my throat was sore and my vision was really blurry then it came to me was not able to see I started freaking out but Blake and Lauren told me everything would be ok I have the best friends. The nurse gave me some medicine and my vision came back my throat was still sore so Blake had to help me talk I had to right on note cards it was the funniest part about that day it was like we were playing charades but the nurse said that pretty soon I would have to start trying to talk. "Blake can I have some water" I said weakly. "Yea sure babe how are you feeling." He says laying beside me stroking my hair. "I'm felling a lot better then I did earlier". It hurt so bad to talk but I knew where this conversation was going so I say. "Blake I'm really sorry about what I-". "No baby you don't have to apologize it was my falt we had this fight and I almost lost you." "You could never loose me trust me I love you way to much. If I lost you I would be heart broken." I said trying to speak as clearly as possible. "I'm so glad I have you in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. I can't remember what my life was like before you came into it". "I love you Jayde Robinson I mean it your my everything". "I love you Blake Walz and I'm really excited that your my baby cause I don't know what I'd do with out you." "I love you to the moon and back 1,000,000,000,000 times." He said with a big smile big beautiful smile on his gorgeous round face. "I love you to infinity and beyond ha try and top that." I say trying to laugh. "I can't." He said letting out a sigh. "I am the master of I love you's I tell then to Mrs. Wilson and Lauren and Anna pretty much everyday. After we had an I love you war I just laid my head on his chest then I looked up when he was fast asleep but there are somethings I noticed about him. I noticed how his hair is always flipped to one side. How when he's sleeping he cartels me like a baby. How when he's sleeping he puts his hand under his cheek like I do. Man am I'm lucky to have a guy like him. He's stuck with me through this disaster so. I'm prepared to see where life takes us.

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