Could it be... YES!!!

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Mean while its lunch and I'm with the Bestest Best Friends in the entire world nothing really happen I was really upset cause Alan was a jerk all day he doesn't care for anyone else but himself I tell yea. He's just so full of it sometimes and I wanna punch him in the face all throughout Math and Science class. He just talks and talks and talks a little more about me but then at lunch everything is all fine and dandy. Well ummm let me thing about this NO that's NOT how it works with me the only people that I could never stay mad at are Blake, Lauren, Mae, Marie, Anna, and Nicole. Oh but him I could stay mad at for ever but I'm not gonna cause I'm not that kind of person cause I make mistakes to but the thing is why dose he choose me to pick on me even though I didn't do anything for him to talk about me but what he doesn't know is that I struggle everyday to fit in. He doesn't know that I cry myself to sleep every night not knowing what will happen tomorrow will I make someone make someone unhappy or will I loose one of my best friends cause I don't want to ever loose them there like family to me. Sometimes I feel like there the only family that I have I feel that the are the only people that care. I love them way to much to loose them but anyway I didn't have to say a word to Lauren and she knew something was up she knew I had been crying over something and she hates when I cry cause that means she will get sick because she's worried about what's wrong with me so I told her what had happened and what I wrote on my arm it was a sleeve of things that I thought of myself (not very good things because Lauren and Mae smacked me in the face only cause they love me) Lauren was upset at me for like 10 minutes but then quickly forgave me because well she's my best friend, but then she told Mrs. Wilson (Lauren's  mom my second mom) she wasn't mad at me but she was disappointed that I feel this way. But when I told Blake he was very up set we were at lunch (Which kind of sucks cause we wanted to hug really bad) and he know something was wrong because Lauren looked so upset like she was about to throw up. Then he turn to me he grabbed my hands and he was being really serious like the first time I've ever been so serious about anything. He look at me and said. "What's wrong with you who did it and why". I turned and looked at his his eyes knowing that if I lied to him that it would eat me up inside. So I took a really big sigh and look at Lauren and she already knew what I was thinking. She nodded and mouthed to me "YOU NEED TO TELL HIM". I knew that I was gonna have to tell him sooner or later but I did think it would be now. But then I felt his hand on my the side of my are then he said "Jayde you know you can tell me anything you know can trust me". So I turned to him looked in to his big blue eyes and pored my heart out to him he looked so heart broken at everything I told him then I looked at Lauren in confusion of what I should say next then what he told me was amazing he said... You ready for this..."Jayde Robinson you are the beautifulest girl I know and I would NEVER change you for anyone or anything you are an amazing person, a great athlete, and you the only girl in the whole school that would ever be crazy enough to love me". As I looked at him with tears streaming down my face "And those those big brown eyes. They drive me madly insane it's just another thing that makes me understand more and more why I love you and another asset that justifys your beauty." As he was squeezing my face like a baby "I love Jayde and that's all that matters" he says as he wipes the tears away. Then he reached over and hugged me and hugged me really tight and as we let go all I heard was "Awwwwwwwww" from everyone at the lunch table for the rest of lunch. I turned to Lauren "THANK YOU SO MUCH" I mouthed soft as she was continuing to awww at Blake and I. Then Lauren came over and hugged me and whispered in my ear "He's right you know your beautiful just the way you are and I wouldn't change you either" and then we pinky promised that if we ever felt depressed or there was no one to talk to that we would always be there for each other no matter what it is. I have the absolute Bestest Friend's in the intire world. Then Blake and I were just being stupid. Blake and I we were goofing around and through all of that he never let my hand go and I knew that he would let me go. An as I sat there and thought about it I just softly laid my head on his shoulder and looked up at that beautiful smile on his face as he was laughing. When I looked at him again I wrapped my arms around his waist he looked down at me kissing the top of my head and then he continued to be crazy like always Blake and until lunch was over we just stayed hugging and I kept my head on his shoulder he was still laughing and he never let of my hand.

A picture says 1000 words and well I think I pretty much said ALL of them and I mean all of them

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