m i n e r v a m c g o n a g a l l ( p a r t 1)

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"Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three?"

- M i n e r v a M c g o n a g a l l

"Carey! I missed you so much!" Jessica Gibson, Carey's best girl friend, grinned when she saw Carey. "Are we meeting your boyfriend today? Ooh, I hope he's cute~! Cuz if he ain't, he don't deserve you, mate!" Jessica laughed loudly and snorted. "I'm so crazy."

"Ignore her, Car. I think she ate too much candy this morning. It's nice to see you, though." Scott Forbes, Carey's best guy friend and consultant, smiled shyly.

"I thought I told you not to call me Car, Scott! And he's not my boyfriend!" Carey laughed lightly and punched Scott's arm playfully, causing him to flinch.


"Scott is our little baby, isn't he? You adorable little thing. Come here, you!" Jessica squeezed Scott's small form in one of her passionate hugs. Scott, after a few moments of struggling, gave in and hugged her back. He seemed to be very flustered.

Carey tried to pull Scott out of Jessica's grip, but failed.

"Anyway, we should be going. Beau said to meet him at 9:00, and it's 8:50. If we want to reach Starbucks early, we have to leave NOW." Carey shook her car keys in the air, and smirked.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, cowgirl! You're never early! Nor do you ever try to be... OOOHHH, IS OUR CAREY IN LOVE?" Jessica let go of Scott, started to sing. "Carey and Beau, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-"

Scott started to sing along with her. "S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" They both exploded into laughter, and Carey blushed madly.

"Guys! It's not like that! We're just friends!"

Carey quickly got into her car, followed by Jessica and Scott. She started to drive, and bit her lip. She prayed Beau would like her friends, otherwise she'd feel embarrassed for bringing them along.

"Uh huh, sure." Jessica nudged Scott, and they both giggled teasingly.

"Sometimes I wonder why I still hang out with you guys." Carey rolled her eyes, but her mouth tugged into a small grin.

"You love us," Scott pointed out, and Carey couldn't help but agree.

"Our squad is literally #goals, okay?"

Jessica pulled her phone out of her bag and took a quick selfie of all three of them. Scott tried to cover his face, and Carey did an awkward duck face.

"Hashtag goals, hashtag friends, hashtag-"

"We're here!" Carey blurted out, feeling very excited, but also very nervous. Butterflies were erupting in her stomach.

They all got out of the car, and walked into Starbucks. Carey stumbled out of nervousness and almost fell, but Scott managed to catch her in time. Not in the bridal fashion, though. It was more like an awkward I'm-almost-on-the-floor-and-now-I'm-hanging-in-midair position.

"Thanks for kind of catching me, Scott."

"Hey, at least I tried!"

"Guys, shut up! I wanna meet Carey's boyfriend! Where is this hunk Carey's been telling me about?" Jessica looked around the cafe eagerly.

Carey started to look around as well, and her face fell. "He's... not here." She looked once, and once again, but there was no sign of him.

"That little fuc- I mean, idiot, isn't here?!?! I will kill him for ditching my best friend!" Jessica literally pulled out a butcher knife out of her bag. "I am going to cut a bi-"

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