r e m u s l u p i n

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"I was a small boy when I received the bite. My parents tried everything, but in those days there was no cure."

R e m u s  L u p i n


"Carey, I love you."

"No, that sounds too cheesy." A few days after their last meeting, Beau paced around his room anxiously, frantically trying to pick the perfect words for his confession. However, everything he said was either too romantic or too laid-back. He wasn't the most experienced guy when it came to this kind of stuff (mostly because he had been a single potato for his 20 years of life).

"If only I was the stereotypical bad boy or player people seem to absolutely adore," Beau muttered to himself bitterly. Yes, he was guilty of reading cliche romance books. That's what happens when you're desperate for love, right?

"Maybe..." Beau brightened up at the new idea that had just appeared in his brain. Maybe I could... Flowers? Chocolate? No, that wouldn't work. Beau groaned internally, and banged his head against the wall. He slouched against the wall and sighed in disappointment.

"Pick up lines. Those always work, right?" Beau snapped his fingers excitedly as he opened his laptop and started searching anxiously.

"You must be magical, because I've fallen under your spell.

"You must be my horcrux, because you complete me.

"If I were to look into the Mirror of Erised, I'd see the two of us together.

"Oh, who am I kidding? This'll never work! " He angrily pulled at his hair, and shut his laptop with so much force it almost broke. He pouted to himself and laid his head on his desk, completely giving up. "I can't do this anymore. Even math is easier than this."

Five minutes later, he was laying in his bed with a bag of Cheetos and his laptop while sobbing uncontrollably. "Why can't food be my soulmate?" He hugged the bag and cried internally for what seemed like hours. Yup, he was pretty heartbroken. "Will you go out with me, Cheetos?" He looked at the bag, and sighed when it obviously didn't answer.

Carey's situation wasn't any better.

"Honestly, what even is love? Why am I even single? What if I'm secretly a lesbian?" Carey was definitely NOT thinking straight. "That would make a lot of my problems easier, actually," Carey said to herself, but then shook her head. "I can't even think right now...!"

"I'm so messed up..." Carey wished her relationship with Beau was like Hermione and Ron. Sweet, cute, and very compatible. "Why can't I just find a guy like Ron?"

"I wouldn't mind dating Beau," she whispered to herself with a light blush on her cheeks. "So... why am I freaking out about this?"

"I'm going to tell him," Carey said with a burst of courage. "Besides... what could go wrong?" she bit her lip, and nodded. "I'm going to do it," she muttered excitedly as she dialed his number.

Ring... ring... ring... was all she could hear as she waited anxiously.


"Hey... Beau! Um, so I was wondering... Could you meet me at the Eiffel Tower? I have something I need to tell you."

"Uh... sure? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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