Chappy 2

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Papyrus P.O.V

I drop him off at school and decided to head over to the lab. My job is to help Undyen create a soul that's as powerful as a humans soul. So far it's going well. We are trying to break the barrier. We are in war right now because of the humans killing the prince.

I take a "shortcut" which is really me teleporting to the lab. Yes, I can teleport. Have you ever heard of Undertale? Well apparently it's another universe. Every universe has a mirror reflecting what's going on in other time lines the person just has to stand in fount of it. I stood in fount of it with Sans one time and another Papyrus and Sans stood there. The Sans and I talked a little apparently I'm like him hint the name Underswap.

I go into the lab after unlocking it. I look over and see Undyen and Alphy's watching Anime. "Undyen I have a bone to pick with you." I say. My eyes more then likely turning black. She look at the back of the couch.

"Yes?" She asks shakily. To say the least, she is terrified of me.

"My brother has been saying a naughty word." I paused. "So my brother has been walk around calling things sexy. Would you have any reason why he's doing that?" I ask.

She became all flustered. "Umm... I kinda saw my favorite anime character in a hot and sexy position." I nodded. Even if she did lie. I believe she was thinking about Alphys. Since she's been in love with her for so long

"Wait! Sexy isn't even a curse word Papyrus!" Alphy's yells.

"It is when I hear my little brother who is 13 to remind you say it." I smile.

"Almost ever child I know knows more curse word then-" I cut her off.

"Do you really want a little Sans walking around saying bad words he doesn't even know what they mean?" I ask. They both love Sans as if he was there little brother.

"No but, last I checked sexy isn't a curse word." She said and I roll my eyes well I would if they weren't black.

"We'll wait till I tell you this. He's been calling everything he likes sexy. This morning he called the tv sexy." I look at Undyen. "Can you get the list for me?" I ask and she nods.

"Wait a damn minute. You have a list?!" Alphy's asks and I nod and check my phone 9:26 am. No calls form the school..... Yet.

"Oh yeah. It's a whole list of word we can't say in front of Sans." Undyen says handing her the list.

"Well Undyen we should get to work. I have to pick him up by 12." I say getting off the back of the couch.'

"MOST OF THESE WORD AREN'T EVEN CURSE WORDS!" I hear Alphy's yell as we walk to the true lab.


I heard a grumble and then the other lab door shut. We have some bodies. Hopefully this works.

Time skip!

"I think we might have it." I say as the liquid was finish. I look at my watch and grown worried. I forgot to pick up Sans. It's passed 2 already. Shit.

"Sorry have to go!" I say and rush out of the lab. I go and check if he's home first but, nothing. I go to the school. Nothing. Great I lost Sans.

I keep looking around until I run into Alphy's who has Sans with her.

"-Papyrus might still be working." I heard him say as I got close.

"Sans I'm sorry I-"

"PAPY!" He came and run towards me.

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