Cнαρτεr 2

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"Kaiyesha pack some clothes, your going to your father's house." I said walking into her room that was painted blue with a black trim.

I decided to be the bigger person and take Kaiyesha to go see him.

"Uh no I'm not." she said with attitude.

"Excuse me." I said trying to be calm.

I was two minutes away from popping her in her mouth.

"You're excused." she said and continued playing on her IPad I got her for her 5th birthday.

"Lil girl imma give you 5 seconds to come to your senses and rephrase your sentence."

"Fine," she mumbled "I don't want to go to Jason's house he's annoying and his girlfriend is so ratchet momma it's unbeweaveable."

"Did you just say unbeweaveable instead of unbelievable?" I questioned.

"Uh yea." I just shook my head.

"Just go pack you stuff so you can leave." I said.

"I'm not going to Jason's house" she said and continued playing on her iPad.

This child is so damn hard headed. "Pack your shit so we can leave!" I said more firmly.

I hate to curse at her but she gets on my damn nerves sometimes that I just need to. "Fine, damn." she said and went to her closet.

"I'll be in the living room when your ready" I said and left her room.

I went to the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Rasheed who was smoking a blunt. I took it from his hands and took a puff. "Aye I was smoking that." he whined like a little bitch.

"Aww boohoo"

"So I was thinking after we take Kai to Jason's, we can...you know." he said kissing my neck.

"Aha you're out of luck baby boy," I said gently pushing him away. "I'm on my period."

"Damn," he said in a disappointed tone and I chuckled. "I ain't get the P in days." he complained.

"What about Ashaunte?" I asked him cause I know he be getting that every once in a while.

"Naw I can't do homegirl like that," he said shaking his head. "She don't deserve it."

"Awwn is Rasheed catching feelings?" I teased poking his cheek.

"Don't even start Diamond." He said in an annoyed tone. "You already know how it is with me and catching feelings." He looked mad now. Oops.

"See now you're getting all in your feelings." I teased. I love messing with him.

"You know what I would love to get in?" He asked turning to me.


"In that pussy." he replied and smirked.

"Aha I bet you would love that" as soon as I said that Kaiyesha came out her room. "You ready to go baby girl?" She nodded.

Rasheed and I got up from the couch and headed towards the door with Kaiyesha following close behind us. "Kai come say bye to grandpa and mama" I said closing my apartment door.

I moved down the hall from my dad and grandmother when I was 16 years old. Him and my grandmother are the closest family I got and oh my lord they are some characters.

We walked down the hall to their apartment and I unlocked the door with my key. "Daddy!" I yelled walking in.

We walked in the living room and saw my dad and my grandmother watching TV on the new flat screen I got them last Christmas. "Hey daddy, hey mama."

They looked in our direction and smiled. "Well, ain't it my favorite children in the world" dad said. "We're you going?"

"I gotta take Kai over to Jason's house" I replied.

"Aww Kaiyesha you're leaving your grandpapi?" Dad said.

"I don't wanna go but momma said I have to" Kaiyesha said crossing her arms and pouting.

"Aww come here baby" Kaiyesha went over to my dad and they started whispering to each other.

I swear to you, Kaiyesha is a grandpa's girl. "So Rasheed, yuh a tek cayer of mi granddaughtas?" My grandmother asked with her heavy Jamaican accent.

Rasheed slightly laughed and smiled. "Yes ma'am."

"Good cah mi nah wan nothing happen to dem. It is dangerous out on dem streets yuh know. I should know, I been living on them for years." She said pointing as us.

My grandmother's accent is so strong that whenever I leave Kaiyesha here for at least two days she comes back home with her accent.

"You don't gotta worry about them mama. They're in safe hands." I rolled my eyes cause Rasheed knows damn well he was just tryna please my grandmother.

"I am not a child." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Diamond you are a 18 year old Child with a lickle five year old pickney. Your baby fatha is one them lickle hood boys that runnin' around dem streets and now you a tek Kaiyesha over dey, fo wah? Mi nah cayer if him a her pupa, mi nah like him. Jason is one if them lickle sneaky boys, watch sum' happen to yuh because of him. Yuh young pickney them nah wan listen hmp, one of these days you gon' learn. Mi done talk." She finish her rant, huffed and turn back to the tv. Then she turn back to us and spoke again, "mi nah trust Jason yuh know. Him sneaky, real sneaky. Mi nah trust him"

If you have family from the Caribbean, don't you ever realize when they say they are finish talking it really means they are thinking of something else to say? That's exactly my grandmother.

My grandmother was a 65 year old, red bone woman with long Indian like brown hair, hazel eyes and pink lips. She was very out spoken and don't hold her tongue for no one. She will tell you straight up what she thinks of you. My grandmother wasn't fat but she wasn't skinny either. You could say she just didn't try to lose all of her baby weight.

"Mama, me and Rasheed is gonna go drop off Kaiyesha and come back okay?"

"Gwan, gwan" she said said shooing us away.

I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I love you mama." I said.

"Mi love yuh too baby" she said kissing me back hugging me.

"Kaiyesha let's go!" I said when I pulled away from mama.

"Behave yuh self Kai" My dad said when Kaiyesha walked over to us.

"Yes grandpa" Kaiyesha said and smiled.

"Daddy we're gonna go and come back okay" I said opening the front door.

"Alright, uno be safe!" He yelled as we walked out the door.

Rasheed slightly chuckled as we walked down the stairs of my apartment building. The hallways seemed pretty empty today so I got a little suspicious as to why. When we got out outside there was a lot of cop cars and flashing lights in front of the apartment down the street. Then I realize that all the crackheads were on the hideout. I just shook my head and unlocked the car door. When we all got in I took my time to fix my rear view mirror, my hair and my makeup. Just when I put my car in drive to drive off a cop knocked on my window. I rolled my eyes and slightly glared at him. I don't fuck with cops, as far as I was concerned they were the enemies. 

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