Chapter 10: A Song

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Ha Ni's POV

After hours of playing games with Jungkook, it was time for him to leave. Just as he was about to exit the door, I grabbed his sleeve.

"Thank you. Really. Thank you for everything." I said while looking him straight in the eye. He was a bit surprised at first, but then smiled. The next thing you know, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Of course. I'm always here remember?" He pulled away and gave me another smile before walking out the door. I shut the door and leaned my back against it.

What would I do without this kid?

I got up and went to my room. I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling while listening to Ailee's Heaven.

Never gonna be alone.

I felt asleep with those words lingering in my mind.

I woke up to a ding coming from my phone. It was a text, from Jungkook.

Fr: jungcooks4me

I'll be late for school today, we have a meeting. Don't wait for me ;))

Ew that winky face.

To: jungcooks4me

wasn't planning too, have fun tho. byuntae :0000

I let out a chuckle and went off to prepare for school.

The first couple periods were boring. Math ew, science ew.


THE BELL FINALLY I'VE BEEN DYING. I almost lost my jams through those periods gosh darn it. It was finally recess at least. I wandered around school looking for something to do since Mary had student council stuff. After what felt like an eternity of wandering, I found the music room. I walked inside to find it empty. Wow, it was beautiful in here. Very peaceful too. I sat down at the piano and ran my fingers on the keys. It looked like it wasn't ever used before. I slowly began playing the intro for the song Fools. As the intro was slowly ending, a weight sat on the side of me and began singing.

I am tired of this place
I hope people change.
I need time to replace what I gave away.
And my hopes they are high,
I must keep them small.
Though I try to resist, I still want it all.

I looked up from the piano and saw Jungkook next to me with his eyes closed, singing his heart out in this song. I smiled to myslef and continued playing.

I see swimming pools
And living rooms
And aeroplanes.
I see a little house on the hill and
Childrens names.
I see quiet nights poured over ice and
But everything is shattering and it's my mistake.

Only fools fall for you
Only fools.
Only fools do what I do
Only fools fall.

Only fools fall for you
Only fools.
Only fools do what I do
Only fools fall.

He stopped singing and I stopped playing. I looked at him once again and he was smiling at me. He looked at me and then at my lips. His face was inches apart from mine, then centimeters as he leaned closer. I felt his breath and he was about to close the distance between us.


The bell rang startling the both of us. I gave an awkward laugh and he scratched the back of his neck. I excused myself and went to gym, a class I don't have with Jungkook.

I went to the locker room and changed into my gym clothes. I came out and saw Mary sitting with the class and I joined her. Today we were doing volleyball, well fudge nuggets I suck at sports. Unless eating is a sport. I sighed and got to my side of the net. The ball got served and the game begun.

My team actually won. What the heck. Since when did I win at things involving sports. This must be a miracle. We cheered as we went to the locker rooms to change.

When I walked out of the locker room, a paper flew and smacked me right in the face. Great. I took hold of the paper and read what was written on it.

Schoolwide Talent Showcase!

Next week Friday in the concert hall!

*sign up with any student council member before friday to participate, limited space provided! *

Talent showcase huh? Maybe I should sign up. Nahh. I sing like a donkey. No scratch that, Donkey from Shrek sings better than me. I sing like, trashhhh. I put the flyer in my pocket and went into my next class. As I approached my desk, I find Jungkook sitting his usual seat, next to mine. I sat down and saw him reading something. The same flyer I was reading earlier.

"You gonna join? " I asked him.

"Yep, why not? I get to show off my good looks and talents."

"Yah Jeon Jungkook, you can't show off what you don't have. "

He began squishing my cheeks until I apologized. The teacher walked in and I shot the fetus a glare while he just smiled at me tsk.

The lessons came to an end and so did the school day. I walked home by myself since the kook man had dance practice. My phone buzzed in my pocket during my peaceful walk. It was a text from Mary

Fr: maryandherlambs

Yo, you wanna sign up for the showcase? Only one spot left~~~

Should I? I dont even know. I closed my eyes and randomly typed things and let fate decide what I should do. I opened my eyes and was half shocked half excited.

To: maryandherlambs

yea why notw , i liek chIzaiNg .

I have no idea what that meant but I said yes to her anyway. Damn, I'm gonna be singing in a showcase. What to sing though?
Ah I know.

When I came home I googled the lyrics to my song choice and practiced until the sun went down. By that time, I was pooped. I fell asleep with the jitters knowing I'll be singing in front of a crowd next week Friday.

A/n: its short and boring ik but oh welLs sorry for notbupdating for 2 days I was. Tired and busy with life sadlY . but im trying my best to update woo

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