Chapter 3 ~Gabby~

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I woke up and was lying in a remarkably comfortable bed. I opened my eyes and saw myself looking at an unfamiliar. I went into panic mode, but remembered that this must be Remus Lupin.

"Gabby?" Remus asked anxiously. "Are you allright?"

I raise a hand to my chest, where Mr Brown had sunk his knife into. "Yeah..."I said blearily. "Yeah...I think so..."

Remus frowns. "Are you sure? That was a pretty deep cut. If he had sunk it in deeper, you could have died."

"Yeah...I think so..." I said again. "I think he intended to kill me...but when he tried to it was like this kind of force that held him back. But I think I need some Vitamin D...some sunshine..."

Remus frowns some more, but relents. "OK. Where would you like to go?"

"Uh...the beach?" I ask. Remus nods.

"Be ready in an hour."

An hour later, I was wearing my swimming costume under my summer dress. I walk downstairs in the unfamilliar house. I find Remus sitting at the table.

"What is this place?" I wonder aloud.

Remus looks up and smiles. "This is my house. It will become your house too, when you come home for the holidays from Hogwarts."

"So it's really true? There is actually a Hogwarts?" I ask

"Of course there is," said Remus, looking surprised. I nod.

"Ready to go?" Remus asks.

I grin. "Of course."

When we arrive at the beach, I don't hesitate. I rip off my dress, run down the sand, and dive into the water, sighing as I feel it's coolness against my hot and sweaty body.

"Hey!" says a voice. "Who are you? You aren't supposed to swim here. It's a private beach!" says a bossy voice.

I look up. There is a boy about my age, standing in the water. He has blonde hair, tanned skin, sea green eyes, and he looks a bit of a pretty boy. But most of all, he has that air of being spoilt his whole life.

I frown. "No it's not. This is a public beach. There is no such thing as a private beach."

"Oh yeah?" says the boy, moving closer, with the air of a person readying themselves for a fight.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Well, you're wrong. Nobody ever comes here! Therefore, it's my private beach! Now get off my property!" he yells, pushing me violently in the chest. This hurts, seeing as I have just been stabbed by a knife there.

As I stumble back, my eyes narrow. "You're gonna regret that, pretty boy!" I yell and punch him in the face. He sort of sways for a bit, then the shock wears off and he runs away screaming at the top of his voice, "She hit me! Owww! She hit me! MUM!!!"

I smile, but my chest is starting to throb where he pushed me, where the cut is. I fall backwards into the water, and find myself staring up into a face. When I see it...I just get this feeling that I somehow know this person...that something horrible has happened and he was there with me...

"Are you OK?" the boy says.

I smile weakly. "Yeah...I guess so..."

"What happened? I'm Harry by the way," the boy says.

"Well, I'm Gabby. I was swimming and this boy came up to me and told me that it was a private beach and that I had to 'get off his property' and he shoved where I got stabbed, so I punched him in the face and he ran away like a little girl."

Harry's eyes widen behind his round glasses. "You got stabbed?" he asks.

"Yeah. My parents were killed in a car crash and so I had to stay with this horrible famliy. I was their...punchbag, I suppose you could say. Then i was escaping and Mr Brown caught me and stabbed me in the chest, but the person helping me escape rescued me, but it's not fully healed yet."

Harry didn't seem to know what to say. "My parents were killed in a car crash too," he says finally. "I know how you feel." Suddenly he chuckles. "So, you punched old Jason in the face, huh?"

I blush. "Umm...Yeah...Do you know him?"

"Oh yeah. Jason is one of the most spoilt brats in LIttle Whinging. He's also a useless pretty boy who gets everything he wants and no one stands up to him. It's good you did, though. Should teach him a lesson," Harry smirks.

"Anyway, I should be going," he says, turning to leave.

"Wait!" I cry. "I didn't catch you last name!"

He turns around, with an odd look on his face. "Potter. I'm Harry Potter."

Then all the pieces fit together. Why Harry and I look slightly alike, our parents were both killed in a car crash, our last names are both Potter, and why I have this strange connection with this boy that I haven't been able to figure out.

Because Harry Potter is my brother.


hi everyone

so yeah, harry's gabby's brother. I also liked making Jason look like an idiot hehehehe.

I'll try to make the chapters longer and a little less rushed and try to keep in the same tenses I'm no good at keeping in the same one!!

The picture on the side is Daivd Thewlis who plays Remus Lupin in Harry Potter

so vote fan comment

from turnip51 :) 

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