Update! Please Don't Hate Me...

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Hey guies!

I am so, so, so, so, unbelievably sorry. I meant to update, I really have, but I've just been so absolutely busy with my school it's not even funny. See, somehow I got majorly behind in almost all my classes (lol #procrastinationlevel100000 + #craziness) so I've been trying to catch up. I apparently neglected my amazing lil' carrots over here and I feel so bad!!! :'( I don't know how I sleep at night...


...I literally told myself I wouldn't be those annoying authors who take 71821837ha17271882j728)&82929 years to update....anD LOOK WHO I'VE BECOME. I think I'll just...*dies now*

I swear, I will write as quickly as my brain and hands can handle the next few days to get you super updates. Even if it's the last thing I do. Which, hopefully it isn't because I'd love to write more and possibly become a YouTuber...so....yeeaaahhh...

bUT IF I BECOME A YOUTUBER I SWEAR I WONT GO 71821837ha17271882j728)&82929 YEARS WITHOUT UPDATING!! I swear.

So, here's my lil update. For my lil carrots. I WILL GET UPDATING CHAPTERS SOON!!

In other news, how has your Christmas been? How about your New Year? What is happening because HOW WAS GROUNDHOG DAY??? And! Do you have someone special for Valentine's Day or shall we just all huddle together in a loner corner, watching Netflix, hugging our fridges, and supporting Single's Day? ^.^ Lemme knowwww!

I swear, again, I am so sorry. Please, don't kill me, don't die, don't hate me.

Thank you for continuing to stick by me even though I have stupid moments where I'm those idiot authors (no offense) who don't update for years and decades and...yeah.

I love you all so so sosossosososoo much!
- DjBunny xoxo

P.S. My school computer won't let me get onto Wattpad, so it's a bump in the road again, but yeah. I will find ways around that. :3

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