The Lady in the Lake

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Hey guys this is an Agent Carter fanfiction.

I own nothing but my character Mareya.

Please vote and comment!

"Deposit or a withdrawal?"

Marcus asks Dottie as she strolls up to the desk.


She says holding up her gun with a smirk.

I sit in the vent above waiting for the chiefs signal.

They make everyone stand with their hands above their heads.

Dottie leads Marcus to the safe and I smirk knowing what's in store for her.

Jack gives the signal and I drop literally onto their leaders shoulders as SSR agents flood in and suround the badguys.

"Hey, drop that gun! - Drop it! - Don't move! We've got you surrounded! Don't even think about it."

They order.

I hold my gun to the goon at my feet.

"We are the SSR! Lower your weapons."

Jack shouts.

"Sugar I think they heard you guys the first twelve times."

I say cuffing the leader.

Thompson rolls his eyes.

"Cut the attitude."

He orders.

"Yes sir."

I say with a mock salute.

"Hey Mareya darling."

Dottie calls as Peggy drags her in.

"Good ta see ya Dottie."

I say with fake cheeriness as I inject the sleeping drug into her neck.

Me, Thompson and two meat heads sit watching as Peggy begins interrogation.

"Shoulda made popcorn."

I say examining my fingernails.

"Here are the things you will tell me."

Peggy begins plainly.

"The names of your handlers in Russia, your methods of communication with them, the names and whereabouts of other communist operatives on American soil, why you were targeting Bowery Savings Bank, and who it is you are working for."

She deadpans.

"Feel like I got a front-row seat to Rocky Graziano versus Tony Zale."

One of the meatheads chuckles.


Thompson barks.

It is a bit amusing.

"Peggy, I expected so much more from you."

Dottie says.

"Is it just me, or does she sound flirtacious?"

I ask seriously.

Chief looks at me wierdly.

"What? It's not unheard of."

I defend as Dottie continues in a mock british accent.

"Not you will tell me this and this and this. Where's your technique? Girls like you raised with silver spoons and perfect skin, you expect everything to come to you so easily."

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