Sorry Mareya

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I really want to throttle him right now.

"What? You're gonna shoot me, Carter?"

He says patronizingly.

"Listen to her, Jack."

"You won't. You can't. You don't have it in you."

I glare meaningfully at Jack.

I won't let him do this.

"There was a time when that was true.-" Peggy cocks the gun"-Not anymore."

I'm stuck between saving him, or saving Jason Wilkes.

"Put the detonator down, Jack."

I order.

"Sorry, Mareya. Got to do it."

He says, raising the detonator.

There's a shock wave and we're thrown into the ground.

Everyone looks at Jack.

"Wasn't me."

He defends.

"It's still armed."


"Watch your step. There's Zero Matter on the floor."

Peggy warns.

"I see some here, too."

Daniel says pointing some out.

"Whatever went off, it definitely wasn't the gamma cannon. It's still here and in pretty good shape, too."

"Any sign of Vernon?"

Jack asks.

"Could be anywhere in this mess."

"There's more Zero Matter here. Must have come from Wilkes."

I hear coughing and we all turn in the direction of it.

It's Jason Wilkes.


Peggy exclaims helping him sit up.

"Peggy, it's not safe. I'm..."

He looks at his hands.

"I think you're all right. How do you feel?"

Peggy asks.

"Weak... sore. I'm... The Zero Matter. It... it's gone. I couldn't hold it anymore."

"It seems you've expelled it. Can you move?"

I look at the ground.

The zero matter is pooling.


I ask.

"Something's happening."

"What is it?"

It's pooling around her and doctor Wilkes.

"We got a problem."

Daniel states.

Something shifts.

Everyone's head's snap in that direction.

The zero matter starts crawling towards the now conscious Whitney Frost.

It flows into her hands I ready my gun.

"There. Everything is where it belongs."

She says her eyes looking like 8 balls.

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