Chapter 54 - Babble

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Jason screamed. The words Ha- Ha- Ha were written above Simon in his blood. He had slashes all over him, and a look of pure terror was forever shown on his face. But something else. It was probably just the dead look in his eyes.... but no.... It was that Told-you-so look Jason got so very much from people... Everyone stumbled out of their rooms to see what the problem was. Jason had backed out of the room and could see everyone emerging.

Wait... Bodil was stepping out of Simon's room. He looked over lazily to see what all the fuss was about. He saw the look on Jason's face and his own room's door being the thing to make Jason scream. His laziness was, in the blink of an eye, replaced by fear. He made a beeline for the door, almost at a run. He stepped inside and covered his mouth. He looked down at his friend and his sunglasses fell noisily to the floor. He didn't seem to notice. He just stood there, until Jason decided it would be best if he didn't keep staring at his friends dead body and pulled Bodil out of the room.

"I shouldn't have... I'm so stupid! Why would he tell me... How could he be-...." Bodil was talking to himself. Jason knew whatever Bodil was talking about was probably gibberish, but what if it wasn't?

"What shouldn't you have done?" "...Shouldn't have let him!" Bodil exclaimed. "What did he do? Are you talking about Simon?" "He convinced me to swap.... Agh! Why does he always have to be a do-gooder?!" Bodil was babbling on. "To swap... rooms?" Jason questioned. "Yes! He said that it would be a good change if scenery- How could I have been so gullible?!" Bodil cried, "He was protecting me..." Bodil said quietly, finished with his babble of nonsense. What? Jason decided to leave the poor guy alone for the moment.

He focused on finding evidence.

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