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When we arrived at the shack, no one came to welcome us. Nervously, Gideon knocked on the door, and it creaked open in reply. Leading my, and Gideon's, parents into the house, Golden locked the door behind us.

"I thought that you said that everyone was here," I said, looking at Gideon.

His pale face and confused look made me bite my tongue.

"Th-They were here when I left," Gideon stammered, running into the living room. "Hello?!? Dipper?!? Mabel?!? Stan?!? Ford?!? Pacifica?!?"

"Is this where you've been staying, Bill?" Mother asked, looking at her surroundings.

"Yes," I replied. "It's a very nice-"

A sound of something crashing, followed by a yelp was heard from the living room. Golden and I ran to where the sounds came from to see two figures sitting on the floor. Gideon was rubbing his head, and the other figure turned to face us.

"Pacifica!" Golden said in surprise. "What happened here?"

Pacifica didn't answer, she only hugged herself. Tears were falling out of her uncovered eye, and she kept mumbling nonsense.

"Pacifica!" Gideon yelled, shaking her. "What happened?"

"Preston," Pacifica finally mumbled. "H-He broke in and captured everyone. I hid here until he left. I don't know where he took them."

I nodded, and turned back to the adults in the room.

"We are going to find out where Preston took them," I told them.

"No! I refuse to let anything bad happen to you!" Mother yelled at me.

"Your mother is right, Bill," Father said. "We are going with you guys."


I was cut off by Pacifica hugging my parents.

"Thank you guys!" she said.

My face grew pale. What about the Cipher Prophecy?

Mabel's Point Of View:

Stan paced around in the force field cage. Ford was chatting with Dipper, trying to think of a plan to get out of here. I cautiously poked the force field, and received a small shock in reply.

"That won't help you."

Preston walked forward, causing everyone to shrink back.

"What do you want with the Ciphers?" Ford asked, folding his arms.

"Stanford, you should know," Preston replied, placing his face close to the force field. "After all, you are the smartest demon in Gravity Falls."

"The Cipher Prophecy," Dipper whispered.

"Right you are, my boy," Preston said, slowly turning his head to face Dipper. "You seem smart. You could come of use to me."

He stepped into the force field, unharmed. He started walking towards Dipper, but I stepped in between them.

"Don't you dare touch my brother!" I yelled, clenching my fists.

"Ah, aren't you a fisty little girl," Preston said, smiling sickly. "Just like Pacifica."

He patted my head, and I winced in reply.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my niece!" Stan yelled, racing towards Preston.

Preston tightly grasped my hair, and jerked my head back, making me cry out in pain. That caused Stan to stop suddenly, running into Ford in the process. Preston let go of my hair, and I began to wimper. Before I could run to Stan, Preston grasped my arm, and dragged me out of the force field. Electricity went down my spine, and I began crying in pain. I watched helplessly as he dragged me farther and farther away from my family.

"You could be more useful to me than your brother."

Demon With Nothing Left (EDITED 5/31/17)Where stories live. Discover now