Cipher Prophecy

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Bill's Point Of View:

We stood at the base of the Northwest Mansion. Pacifica and Golden were clinging onto my arms, and Gideon stood in front of his parents, a look of determination on his face. Mother and Father stood behind us, still unsure whether or not they should have come.

"Bill, do you have a plan?" Pacifica whispered.

"No," I replied.

"Bill, come here," Father ordered.

I did what I was told, and Father whispered his plan into my ear. A smile grew on my face, and I ran back over to Pacifica and Gideon. I told them Father's plan, and they looked at me, concerned.

"Isn't that what Preston wants?" Gideon asked.

"Exactly! He won't realize that!" I said, smiling.

Gideon explained the plan to his parents, and they nodded in understanding. Father, Mother, and I walked up to the front door, but not before Mother gave the others invisibility cloaks.

"Now, make sure that you guys stay close to us," Father ordered.

The rest obeyed, and pulled on their cloaks, disappearing from sight. I knocked on the door, and the sound of running footsteps soon reached our ears. The door opened up, and I gasped in surprise.

Mabel faced me, her face pale. She was dressed as a maid, and she held a duster in her hand.

"Mabel!" I almost shouted with joy.

"Shh," Mabel said, slapping her hand on my mouth. "What do you think you're doing here?"

I tried to say something, but it came out as a mumble instead. Mabel sighed and removed her hand.

"We are here to save you guys," I said, smiling. "Why are you dressed as a maid?"

"I have to," Mabel replied, looking down. "It's the only way to keep Preston away from my family."

My smile faded, and I nodded.

"Excuse me, Mabel," Mother stepped in. "Where is Preston?"

"Wait, are you Bill's parents?" Mabel asked.

Mother and Father nodded in sync, and Mabel stepped back.

"And why do you want to see Preston?" Mabel asked.

"We are trying to throw Preston off guard by telling him that the Cipher Prophecy is fake," Father explained.

"That's a terrible idea!" Mabel nearly shouted at us. "Preston knows that the Cipher Prophecy is real! That plan will never work!"

"And it will never come to pass."

Mabel squeaked in surprise as Preston appeared behind her. He grinned at us, and we stepped back. Preston placed a hand on Mabel's shoulder, and she forcefully shrugged it off.

"Ah, the Cipher family," Preston said, walking forward. "Come with me, and your friends won't get hurt."

I heard screams, and we turned around. The invisibility cloaks layed on the ground, and the others were surrounded by maids and butlers that held stunning guns to them. I felt helpless when I brought my attention back to Preston.

"What is your answer?"

Dipper's Point Of View:

I looked up as footsteps approached us. Preston shoved Gideon, Golden, Pacifica, and two adults into our cage. Preston grasped Mabel's arm, and he led her, Bill, and two other adults to the center of the room.

"Pacifica, what's going on?" I asked her.

"The Cipher Prophecy has come to pass," Pacifica whispered.

My eyes widened as the floor around us turned blue. Preston began to laugh happily as the blue light began to shrink, and it formed around them. All of us in the cage jumped back when they began to scream. The blue light shot right at Preston, and hit him, square in the chest. He was blown backwards, and the three figures fell to the ground. The force field around them disappeared, and Mabel ran towards Bill, yelling his name.

"Dipper, look," Pacifica said, tugging at my arm and pointing.

Preston struggled to get up as blue light appeared and disappeared around him. He finally stood up, and stared straight at Pacifica and I.

"WeLl, PaCiFiCa," Preston said in a distorted voice. "HoW Do YoU LiKe My NeW PoWeRs? ArE YoU ReAdY To AcCePt Me As A FaThEr?"

"No!" Pacifica yelled, and clutched into my arm.

Preston scowled, and raised his hand. I felt myself rise into the air, and the others rose as well, except for Pacifica and Bill.


"No! Don't-" I heard Golden yell, but it was cut short.

Everyone around me disappeared, and the last thing that I saw before I disappeared as well was Pacifica running towards Bill to wake him up.

The place I was sent to was surrounded by a dense, dark forest. Growls came from the forest, and I summoned white fireballs in my hands. I'm going to get back to that mansion, no matter what.

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