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Dear Diary,

I'll be starting at a new school tomorrow. Well, okay, not exactly. It's the same district, but I'm going to be moving from the Junior High into the high school. And for some dumb reason the principal decided that I should just skip ninth grade (because of my smartness or whatever) and go right into my sophomore year. And for some dumber reason, my mom agreed.

So, I'm skipping what most kids consider the best year of their life and moving into the dull monotony of tenth grade. Fantasatic.

I do have the whole year planned out, though. See, I've been reading all of these books about high school life to prepare me for what it'll be like, and a lot of them say the same thing. So do the musicals I see on TV. They say that the nerdy, shy girl (me) will have a chance encounter with the school bad boy. Okay, rewind, so maybe I'm not so shy, but you get the picture. I'm nerdy enough. Anyway, the bad boy will be all...well...bad to her, and she'll immediately hate his guts, yet feels a strange attraction to him that she can't control. From that point on, they keep having more and more random encounters and eventually are thrown into a situation in which they are forced to bond. At that point they share their deepest secrets with each other, and the shy nerdy girl realizes that the bad boy's acting out is really a defense mechanism to deal with a bunch of crap going on in his life.

In the end, they realize that there's more to both of them than meets the eye and they fall in love. Sometimes there's a dangerous love triangle that threatens to ruin the relationship, but most times it's smooth sailing after they start going out.

The end.

So, I've realized that I should just accept my fate and step into the role destiny has seen fit for me to play. I'm going to be the nice girl who falls in love with the high school bad boy. It'll be so romantic.



P.S.- Why did I sign it love when you are an inanimate object? Oh well, I'm writing in pen. No going back now.

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