{Chapter One}

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I've always wanted to make my future better than my dark past. The past I don't like to talk about. Even the darkest corners of my mind want it gone. Forbidden. Empty. I want my past to be washed away with the pain I felt then, as well. Too many people have asked why I find my past disturbing, I never answer. They wouldn't want the horrible but honest truth. They would bran me either 'freak' or 'poor soul'. I don't need another pity party added to the list.

"You don't want to be late to work, Haley!" Karla called from the kitchen. She's my best friend and roommate.

"I'm almost done!" I replied, putting the last pin in my hair. I grabbed my phone from the charger and headed to the kitchen.

I walked in the kitchen and greeted Karla with a hug. She hesitantly hugged me back. "What's this for, sugar?" she asked, her southern accent sounding the same.

I pulled back, "I don't know what it is, but I have a great feeling for today." She picked up a mug of coffee and handed it to me, looking me up and down before saying.

"You say that every day, sugar. Why?" she asked. I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. Letting the warm liquid make its way down my throat slowly.

"I know my TRUE soulmate will walk right through those bar doors...... I just always hope that day is today...everyday." I finally admit after keeping it secret for about a month.

Karla sighs and takes my hands. The rings on her fingers sending a chill up my arms to the back of throat. I take her in, her waist length auburn hair. Deep hazel eyes and plump lips, her tall figure and tone body. So easy tell to too, even in the baggiest of clothes. "Sugar, I know you need a man in your life at the moment....he'll come to you, don't go to him. No matter what."

I went to work confused, Karla has never told me anything like that before. When she said, '...At the moment...' I knew she meant how I was running from my past. She's the only one I've told other than my sister, Emily. Since I'm the one who moved, I don't see her often. But we talk on the phone a lot. She's everything to me, even if the rest of my family hates me right now. I walked into the bar and and clocked in. 2:05, that's record. I thought to myself. I work that late shift, I get off at midnight five days a week. My boss, Johnny, is the only guy-friend I have at the moment. We are really close. He's like the brother I never had, a brother that's one inch taller than me. He has two jobs at the moment. He claims he's the bassist for a band, and he's the owner of the bar. Towering Tipsy, he says I'm the best bartender he's had.

"Your here on time, for once." Jared called out from behind me. I smiled at him and pushed his card in the machine, clocking out for him.

"Thanks to Karla." I replied with a wicked smile. He flushed at the mention of her name. He has a little thing for her.

"How is she by the way? Still single? Oh, what am i talking about?! She won't even give me a second glance!" Jared said all at once. I laughed and hugged him.

"She is still single! She'll be coming by tonight too. Around 8-ish." I said. His face lit up. "I'll see you two then!" he said.

"Jared, shouldn't you be clocking out by now?" Johnny asked him with a raised brow. "I was just leaving, Boss Man." Jared replied, using Johnny's nickname.

Jared left seconds later and I put on my name tag. "You got here on time." Johnny said. I nodded with a slight laugh.

"Don't worry, your no the only one to be surprised." I said. He laughed and opened up the mini door for me, following after me soon after.

"Hey, I haven't looked at the schedule Damen set up. Do you work Friday?" Johnny asked. I nodded as I filled an order.

I gave the man his drink and kindly took his $8 tip. I turned back to Johnny, "Yeah, why?"

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