{Chapter Twenty}

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Hehe...Great Balls of Fire....
Brian's are sure on fire, no wonder him and Michelle don't have any kids...

"Why, Haley?" Emily asks, sighing with disappointment in her eyes.

"I...i just reacted to what you guys brought up at lunch today!" I say, throwing my hands up.

"But you shouldn't have left! He's probably heart broken!" Emily says.

"I know I sure as h*ll am!" I reply, tears on the verge.

"Why do you do this Haley? Your always hurting yourself!" she says, getting up.

"Because I'm no good. No good for anybody! I'm worthless, just like Lucas said!" I say.

"No! Don't you start listening to him! He's crazy, he's a psychopath! A crazy, lost soul who doesn't know their way! Your amazing Haley! I thought Brian helped you realize that."

"I thought you'd understand!" I cross my arms over chest.

"I do, but you shouldn't beat yourself up for this. I'm stressed enough as it is. I'm gonna get some sleep." Emily says, waking to her bedroom.

I sigh and lay down on the couch, and cry myself to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of grease popping. I get up and Emily is in the kitchen making breakfast.

"It's about time your up, I thought you were gonna sleep all day." Emily says, setting the table.

"That's sounds neat, actually." I admit, yawning & stretching.

"Hmp, well. Your going to come with my today, actually. Sorry to ruin your plans." I groan.

"With what?" I whine. She laughs, "I have a date tomorrow, so I need your help picking something cute. It's dinner reservations."

I sit down and prop my hand up to cradle my chin. "Oh...really? With who?" I ask, raising my brow.

Emily sets the plates down and sits. "Haha, it's a surprise. You'll have see later."

I sigh in defeat, "Ugh, fine. I guess I can wait. That just adds to my waiting list."

"What else is on there?" Emily asks. I pick up a pancake, "The gender."

Emily nods, "Oh, forgot yous was pregnant."

"You actually look like you can carry twins, your pretty big as it is." she adds. I look down, she's right. I am really big. Ugh.

"Well, we better hurry and get ready. I need to buy new shirts, mine are getting too small." I say, gesturing to the shirt I'm wearing now. It's showing almost half of my stomach.

"Okay, okay. Go get dressed when your done." Emily says, throwing her plate in the sink.

She goes to her room and closes the door.

I head to my bag and get some sweats and a shirt of Brian's. It's pretty big on me, not pregnant me. But now it's just like any other pregnant girl shirt.

"Really? Sweats?" Emily asks as she puts her sneakers on. I laugh and nod. "I am not wearing skinny jeans."

"Fair enough." Emily replies. I grab my jacket and follow her out the door.

We get in her car and I start to struggle with my shoes. "Stupid things..." I mutter.

"Oh my god, give me those!" Emily says, I hand them to her and she heads back inside.

She comes back out with flip flops and chucks them at me. "You can be stupid at times."

"I know," I say. She starts the car and to the mall we head.


"What about this one?" I ask, holding up a gorgeous blue strapless dress.

Emily looks over at it, and sticks her tongue out in disgust. "Too blue!"

I roll my eyes and set it back on the rack.

"Emily, we've been to three stores already! My feet are killing me!" I complain.

"Ugh, fine. We can get something to eat. This place has nothing here anyway." Emily contemplates.

We walk out the store and head to the closest restaurant.

We sit down and a waitress comes.

"I'm Haven, I'll take your order." she says, not looking up from her notepad.

When she does, she nearly loses her sh*t.

"Oh my god! Haley! What the fug?!"

I frown, "What?" Haven rolls her eyes, "Don't 'what?' me! Matt called Jimmy this morning and he said you left Brian!"

I sigh, "It's a lot to explain. Just don't mention this to the guys." Haven sighs.

"Alright, whatca ya want?" Haven says, flipping her bangs.

We order and Haven takes her lunch hour with us. The mean time, I tell her everything.

"What did Matt say about Brian?" I ask out of curiosity.

"He said he was drunk and looked shattered. He was drinking, probably trying to forget about you." Haven explains.

"That sounds like him. Where's Jimmy now?"

Haven picks up her drink, "The studio, they all are. Well, I don't know about Brian. Matt said he was on his fourth bottle when him & Zacky got there."

I sigh and look out over to the crowded mall. "They tried to call you, but your phone was off."

I look back at Haven, "It still is. I'm not taking any chances."

"He's better off without me in his life. I'm just a mistake. Our first kiss, first conversation. Everything was a whole big mistake." I say.

Haven sighs, "Well, I gotta get back to my shift."

With that, she's gone behind the counter. I look at Emily and she's looking at something across the mall.

"What is it?" I ask. Emily gets up and goes to whatever she's looking at.

I follow and soon she what caught her eye. I frown when I see a disgusting dress. It's dark, drab green with the ugliest hems and sleeves.

I smile when I see she's looking at the dress behind the one I saw.

Emily smiles as she looks at it again. It's just her favorite shade of grey, dark but not too dark. With a waist band with pyramid studs.

"This ones perfect!" Emily says, twirling it.

"Go try it on." I say, she nods and I follow her to the changing room.

When she comes out, she looks beautiful. It fits her just nice and it bugs her greatly. It's long but not to long to be tripping her.

"This is the one, I'm getting this one!" Emily exclaims.

We leave the mall with the dress Emily wanted. It was on a pretty good sale, so she didn't burn her bank account.

We head back to her house and I sigh as I kick back on the couch.

I frown when I remember I'm wearing Brian's shirt.

I wonder if he really misses me........


(A/N) *pouts* wow. Just wow, Haley. What are you doing?! Well, I know what she's doing, but you, the reader, do not. Hehe.... Comment what you think that song is! (If you haven't already guessed, or you wanna take a second guess.) Reese's Pieces!✌🏼😘

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