{Chapter Six~Brian}

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I sighed and turned back around. I couldn't bare to see Haley walk away. As much as I want to grab her wrist and take her away from whatever she's running from, I can't. She won't let me.

"What happened, Brian?" Matt asked me. I sighed deeper, "She won't tell me! She shutting me out." I said as I walked back into the bar. I sat at the booth and looked at the dark oak wood.

Johnny sat next to me and patted my shoulder, "She's always like that when it comes to her past..." I look at him, confusion written all over my face. "What do you mean?"

"Haley doesn't like to think about her past. It's the one thing she's always running from. That's why she moved here in the first place." Johnny continues. "How do you know this?" I ask.

"That Karla girl told me. The last part Haley said, but the rest is from Karla." Me and Zacky nod in unison. "Is she the one with auburn hair?" Zacky asks. Johnny nods.

I look at Zacky, he gets a spread of red on his face. What's he up too?  "I bet it involves whatever Jared told her." Matt says.

We all nod in agreement. "Where did she go?" I ask. "Probably her apartment with Karla." That's where Karla comes in the picture. "Why did she leave, where every she left." Zacky & I ask in unison.

Johnny frowns, "I think it was Iowa...or Wisconsin...either or." I sigh and reach over into the bottom of the counter. I pull out a glass and slam it lightly. "I need a drink."

Johnny heads behind the counter and pulls out a bottle of Jack. He fills my glass and I soon see Matt & Zacky have added theirs as well. I smile and take a long swig of my drink.


By the glass refills that fly, I'm barely buzzed. And I feel like I'm the only one because Zacky is dancing on tables while Matt is throwing hundreds at him. Johnny is laughing too, but I'm just the only one not feeling it. I get up from my seat and say, "I'll see you guys tomorrow at the studio."

I hear a crash as I push open the bar door. "Wait! I'll go with you!" Zacky calls, his arm draped over my shoulders. I shrug, "Okay, why not?"

We walk out the doors and Zacky straightens up real quick for a drunk man. He starts to balance his footsteps and hair. The sun is setting and the warm weather gets colder by just a tint.

"Where we going?" Zacky asks. I look ahead, "The store, I want some more Malboros." Zacky nods and he skips down the street. I laugh and run to catch up to him.

"Slow down you skipping gipsy!" I say, laughing. He shakes his head and skips to the stores parking lot. "You gotta be faster than that, Old Man!!" We skip into the store and head for the back.

As we skip there, looking stupid, we pass by the aisles like a blur. We stop in front of the cigarette cashier and catch our breath. I slap Zacky's back, "For a guy who rolls his pants, you skip to what seems like a lot!" He laughs and the cashier comes.

"What can I get you?" He asks. I look behind him, "Malboros, red." He nods and turns around. When he does, I see his haircut completely ruined. Half of his head is shaved to the scalp while the rest is two month scruff. I slap Zacky's shoulder and point to his head.

"HAHA! OMGOD THATS AWESOME!!" Zacky screams. The cashier turns around with a raised brow and says, "That will be $4:62." I pull out my credit card and he slides it. I get both my card and pack back.

As we walk down the main aisle, I say to Zacky. "Dude, you were supposed not say anything about his hair!" But instead of a reply, Zacky has his attention on something else. I look over to what he's looking at and I see Haley. The jackass Zacky is drunk, calls her out. "HALEY!!" I slap my forehead and look at my set as we walk forward.

"Oh, hey Zacky. Brian." Haley says as we make our way over to her. "What are you doing here?" Zacky asks, a smile on his face. "I had nothing to drink back at my place." Haley said, holding up a case of water, two twelve packs of Pepsi and three jugs of iced tea. "Those look heavy, you need help?" I ask. She nods with a smile.

"This is really heavy. Thanks." Haley says as me and Zacky take the soda and water. "What are you guys doing here?" she asks. Zacky replies before I can, "Bri wanted some cigarettes! I came with him from the bar! You missed it, I got money for dancing on tables!" Haley looks at me. "Matt was drunk too, throwing hundreds at the wanna be stripper." She laughs as we walk to the main cashier.

After Haley pays, we follow her to a dark gray truck. "Do you guys mind helping me up to my apartment?" she asks. Me and Zacky both shake our heads. She smiles, "Okay, then get in."


We head up stairs in a line since the staircase is narrow. Haley in front, Zacky middle and me last. We go up two stories and make our way down a hall on the third floor. She stops in front of door and opens the door freely. We head inside and I'm surprised.

"Just put it in the counter." Haley says. We do as she says and Zacky tries to start dancing. I smack his ass just as Haley and Karla walk in. They look at us strangely, while me and Zacky share a laugh.

"Who are they, sugar?" Karla asks Haley, mostly pointing at me. She smiles, "Karla this is Brian and Zacky. Johnny's friends." Karla nods and raises an eyebrow at me. "Which is which?"

Haley flushes red, "This Zacky," she points to dancin' Zach. "And this Brian." Haley says, pointing a shaking finger at me. Karla nods and giggles at Zacky.

I push Zacky away as he tries to slow dance with me. I laugh, "Zacky, I'm not drunk like you!" He pouts, "Then who am I gonna dance with?!" I roll my eyes.

"A person if the opposite sex, that's who!" I say. He turns to the girls and Haley points to a blushing Karla with her left hand. He holds his hand out to her and she takes it.

They dance to the living room, which leaves me and Haley in the kitchen. Alone..... I scratch the back of my neck and look at her. Her blue eyes staring back onto mine. "Brian.." she starts to say.

I close the gap between us and silence her with my index finger. "Why are you running?" I ask. She closes her eyes to my touch. "Because it's something no one should go through..." I wrap my arms around her and she relaxes into it.

I kiss the top of her dark head, "Well, whatever it was....it won't happen with us." Haley rests her head in the crane of my neck, "I'll keep you to that." I chuckle.

"Okay, I'm fine with that." I start to rock her in place, just holding her. Close to my chest and fast beating heart. "Why didn't you tell me that then earlier?" I ask.

"I thought you'd take it as rejection, which is opposite of what I wanted." I rub my left hand up and down her back, "I didn't take it like that...I'm still here, baby girl. But I did feel that earlier."

Haley sighs, "I'm sorry Brian." I smile, "I forgive you...if you do something for me...." I say in her ear. I feel her shudder and she replies, "What is it?"

"Show me your sorry." I say.

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