Chapter 9 || Back to Prison

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Only trust someone who can see these three things in you: The sorrow behind your smile, The love behind your anger, and the reason behind your silence

Chapter 9 : Back to Prison

"I'll m – miss, y – you so much" I sniffle, as I mumble. Tears pour down my eyes, and I hug hunter ever so tightly. As if the world was about to end.

"Me too, me too, Roe, please do not cry" Hunter rubs my back. I can't help but cry; I don't even get to see my parents that often or my other siblings, and in years I saw my brother. I don't even know if this will be the last time I see him. "I promise I'll keep you safe."

"O – Okay" I cry, sounding so childish. I could feel his sleeve is all wet.

I break out of our three-minute hug, my vision was all watery. I could help but cry; I could sense Ryder watching me. Possibly enjoying the scene of me crying. Just like the way he wants it. "I love you," Hunter says, as he kisses my forehead. I sniffle and rub my tears. Taking a deep breath, I relax.

"I love you too," I say more like a whisper. He hugs me once more, and I watch him head towards his car and leave.

I took a deep breath, watching nothing but the empty road where once laid Hunters car. "Welcome home, sweetheart" I heard a vicious voice mutter behind me.

Staying strong I turn around to see Ryder's smirk face again, him leaning against the door. "Thanks" I mumble quietly walking towards the door. As I walk inside our house, I feel a hand grip on my arm.

"Awe, why do you look so sad? You know my Rosella, I was waiting for the day you would come back to me, t – to make you miserable again. To hurt you" he says through his gritted teeth, I could feel his breath against my ear.

"And I have waited for the right day to get rid of you" my mouth spoke on its own. I froze stiffly at what I just said. I quickly turn, "I didn't mean –

Before I can finish saying a word, Ryder's rough hand impacts my face harshly causing my body to fly over towards the door; my cheek burns in pain. How can I be so stupid? "I – I am so sorry" I mutter.

"Looks like this Hunter of yours taught you too much while I was gone!" Ryder practically shouts. I look up immediately shaking my head as he comes closer to me. His tall body lingers over me, and I shut my eyes, how am I so stupid to say this.

Ryder grabs my wrist tightly and drags me into the house forcefully. "I am very sorry!" I mumble as tears break out of my eyes, my right-hand starts to feel numb since Ryder has a harsh grip on my wrist. I manage to walk in the pace of Ryder, dragging me all the way to the kitchen. Before I know it, my body glides towards the counted, my rib cage hitting it hard causing pain to sting me on the side.

"Say no word, and make me food! You know what I need. I've been waiting for it for so long my dear" he smiles wickedly and leaves off. I take a deep breath and relax. No, I - I don't want it to be his treat time tonight. It can't be; I won't let that happen. But what can I do, he can kill me too if I don't pay attention. I am as weak as always; I will never be strong. I know it! I feel my warm tears drip down from my eyes to my hands. Taking another deep breath, the pain in my ribs go away, and I quickly make him some vegetable soup, his favourite.

After a few minutes of making his soup. I pour it into a bowl and place that bowl into a tray with some other snack beside it. I walk towards the dining table, but what caught my attention is that I hear some voices. I slowly creep behind the wall of the dining room and push my right ear against it.

"How long do I have to wait?" I hear Ryder whispers.

"No, I don't have time for this sir! We need it to quicken up, I am sick of this and staying at this place. I hate this life I want to go back to my own, and we need to get our job done soon."

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