Chapter 12 || Pale Lily

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 Save you and your loved ones, From the evil no matter how hard it may be, Just know that you can do it. If you try 

Chapter 12: Pale Lily

I don't quite remember anything. All I remember is Ryder waking me up since I fell asleep in the yard, then he dragged me in and took me somewhere. He tied me up in a chair and touched my forehead, and that is when everything got blanked out. Now I am back outside in the backyard and it is almost sunset, I wonder if I washed out for a whole day? My brain is already sick of me trying to remember, every time I try to remember, even if it just a minimal, my brain aches really badly.

Exhaustingly, I rub my hands on my neck. My body freezes as I feel a rigged texture on my neck. What has happened to me? My heart pounds as I taking the tip of my finger and go over the scar like texture, oh no. It can't be, it can't be... no it can't be a bite! He did not just, oh no, no, no!

Warm water drips from my eyes, as I think it's what it is. It feels like a bite but since I am outside I don't have anything that will allow me to see. Oh I know! I walk up to the porch and try to see my reflection through the glass door. It is a bit visible, I turn to my side, and tilt my head so I can see the mark. I try to make out what the mark is and finally I see it, I didn't want to see what I thought, but it was true he did bite me. As I look at the bite, I clenched my jaw in anger it feels like someone has punched my stomach. "I hate you!" I say through my gritted teeth, as tears roll down my eyes. I didn't want this! How could he make me forget everything and mate me? How embarrassing, I hate him! Can he just die!

My body shivers as I try to think of different scenarios of what happened last night. I can't believe it! Like my own self can't even register what I just saw. It is a wolf bite! It is his ugly, teeth's bite. What did he do to me, I can't believe it. This means we had, oh no. I can feel my whole body rip of burn sensation.

I turn around and look at the back of my pajamas, oh thank god no blood. Wait what if he still did it and there were no... how can he? "I hate him!" "I hate him!" my voice rose.

"I have felt no love to him! And I will never!" I yell out to no one, anger rages inside of me, I can't control it, my hands tremble in anger and before I can even think, my hands turn into a fist and I slam the house wall with all my might.

My heart starts to race, and my body shivers as I see a sent that I made on the house wall. Did I just do that! I open my fist and can see a bit of blood trails leaking down, for that I do not care but I just made a dent into a brick house wall! Is that even possible, for some reason I feel happy. This inner proud begins to consuming me. If this is who I am then I must beat Ryder to whatever he plans.

I relax myself and sit back against my favourite tree here. Shutting my eyes I take in a deep breath. Though my relaxation doesn't last for long, my ears pick up mumbles of several voices, whispers that echo around me. My eyes peel open, getting up I look around but there is no one. I keep hearing these various whisper of voices, I get up and follow them and they lead me to the edge of the yard. To my surprise on the ground laid a pale lily flower with a white envelope. It is right in front of the basement window, I didn't look through it because if Ryder catches me I will be dead. I grab the lily with the envelope and open it up.

Hmm this is weird, I take out a blank card and just examine it closely. There is no writing on it, but then who put it here without me not seeing them. A sudden gust of air pass through me, My hair flies across my face though the car is still visible, and something out of the extraordinary happens, the once blank card has now inked black writing appearing on it.

It is written quiet oddly, I can't really make what it's trying to say. "You can do it, Try looking for more Clues, Then you will know what Hides, Under the Blue" I read what it says. This doesn't make sense, who sent me this? I honestly swear I didn't hear or see anyone enter this yard.

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