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F.E.A.R has two meanings, Forget everything and Run, - OR - Face everything and Rise. The choice is yours.

A  U  T  H  O  R  S  N  O  T  E 

Going to be starting a new book soon, so I am so excited about that

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Going to be starting a new book soon, so I am so excited about that. Wattys is about to end soon, oh my god I doubt ill win but I hope I do, your comments and votes will help a lot! It really keeps me motivated. Overall you guys are amazing readers, and this book is going to keep getting interesting! watch out :)

Chapter 10

"You guys are scaring me, tell me what is going on? Is there something wrong? Why was it so urgent?" I eye both of them, Regina and Derek look at each other nervously and then back to me. 

"Well" Regina clears her throat. "I really think you should keep your past, you know... safe... I mean just not tell everyone that you want to find about who you really are, and all sort of that..."

"Okay that doesn't make sense, well, I – mean yeah it does but, I just told my friends that it... and my parents have always known about me wanting to know about my past. I am starting to get these odd flashback, I don't know if it's my past memory, or a visual trying to portray something or –

"What Regina is tryna say, is that she has some suspicion on Jade" Derek explain. Jade?

What would jade have to do with any of this? Yeah she knows... "But I trust her. We've been friends for a long time like Anna, Holly, Jade and you and yeah Derek of course." I roll my eyes looking at Regina bite her bottom lips. She always does that when she is scared, nervous and I need to get to the bottom of this.

"Okay re-tell me everything, cleaaarrlllyyyy" I express.

"Okay so when Jade dropped you off yesterday to your place, when you told her about yourself she was just quiet until you dropped you of. She started smiling oddly and giggling to herself, we all thought it was weird so we just started to talk and put on music to busy ourselves. After she couldn't stop talking about how much she really, and I mean REALLY wants to know your real identity, like actually. And when she dropped us off, she started texting us saying, 'we gonna find out!' and like 'it will finally be all easier!' Just random shit and I am just worried for you. I know you consider her as a friend, and trust me so do I, but for now let's keep it between us three" She explain logically, which kind of made sense but kind of didn't. But because, she is closer to Jade then I will ever be I will trust her on this.

"We just want you to be careful" Derek adds on.

I nod my head in understanding. "So guys" deciding to change the topic, "I kind of just asked my boss to go to picnic with me"

This causes Derek to spill too, and the both of them break into laughter. "Vincent Edwards, and Picnic! Don't think that could ever happen in this planet" Regina points out.

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