Say Goodbye

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Hello, me again! I'm actually updating at a sensible time for once- not a month after my last chapter! 

So this scene is a bit overdramatic but I guess people have gone a bit mad when they're drunk before, anyway, enjoy!

-not suitable for sensitive readers-

~Phil POV~

I stumble into the living room, falling onto the sofa as Faye pushes me back. I stand up in time to see her lock the door. I couldn’t help but panic- clearly she was drunk and she didn’t look happy. My heart races as panicked thoughts cross my mind. Why was she so angry? What had I done? My mind flashed back to the night before- walking to the club, talking to Dan and Chris, kissing PJ. My heart skips a beat. Kissing PJ. Oh my God, what if she saw? No, she couldn’t have… could she? I step back as Faye comes towards me, her eyes bloodshot with a dangerous glimmer to them. “What’s going on?” I stutter, starting to shake slightly Faye gives me a dark smile.

“Aw…” She says, mocking me. “Acting dumb are we? Not a wise decision Phil.” She laughs slightly as she pulls a penknife out from her back pocket. I gasp, realising the scale of danger I was in. “Sit down Phil, make yourself comfortable.” She says, her dark smile more prominent. I immediately sit down on the edge of the sofa, not taking my eyes off of the knife.  She walks closer to me, stroking the blade with her finger. “You see, you’ve done something that hasn’t made me very… happy, shall we say. I don’t appreciate people kissing my boyfriends.” So she did see. My throat becomes dry and my heart beats even harder. There’s no way I’m getting out of this.

~Faye POV~

“I don’t appreciate people kissing my boyfriends.” I smile as I see the fear grow on his face. I was in control. Not him, me. He stole my boyfriend, and he was going to have to pay for that. “You know,  I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.” I begin, still stroking the blade of the knife with my finger to remind him what could happen if he made any wrong moves. “I mean who would’ve thought innocent little Phil would go round stealing people’s boyfriends?”

“It wasn’t like that!” Phil says timidly. “We were both drunk, neither of us knew what we wer-“

“THAT’S A LIE PHIL. WE ALL KNEW YOU WEREN’T DRINKING INCASE IT MADE YOU ILL.” I glare at him. How dare he lie to me, about stealing my boyfriend! “You know, this would never had happened if you hadn’t survived that fucking accident. Shame you did really. Because you see, you’re starting to cause a few problems. I think we all know it’d better if you were out of the picture. So…” I say, enjoying every second as I watch the desperation in his eyes. “I think I’ll just make sure you are out of the picture.” He quickly stands up, realising what’s about to happen. “SIT DOWN.” He slowly sits back down again. Oh yes, I was enjoying this. A bit of power for once.

~Phil POV~

I sit down again, not knowing what else to do. I feel tears building up as I stare at the blade that was now pointing towards my chest. Why did I have to kiss PJ? It didn’t even mean anything to him! I was so stupid, and at this rate I was going to end up dead because of it.

“Regretting it now are we?” Faye says, as though she can read my mind. “I think you’ll be regretting it even more in a minute.” She suddenly lunges at me, ripping the blade down my leg. I scream in pain as I feel blood trickle down my leg. After a few seconds I manage to form words, the pain subsiding slightly.

“I’m sorry Faye, I’m so sorry. It was a mistake. PJ said it didn’t mean anything!”

“It’s too late Phil. Besides, who knows what else could happen with you around here?” I feel a similar sensation to the one I’d felt just moments ago. I cry out again as pain fills my body. I fall off the sofa and on to the floor, whimpering slightly at the sight of the blood that was now forming a puddle on the floor. I look at my legs and gasp in shock at the deep gashes that stretched down both of my legs, blood still seeping out of them. Faye stands right in front of me, towering over me and I sit on the floor cradling my knees, her eyes more bloodshot and dangerous looking than ever. “You’re making this too easy for me!” Before I have time to react she reaches over and stabs the blade in my back, making me cry out once again. She does it again and again, my vision becoming blurry as I stare at the growing pool of blood on the floor. This was it, I was going to die. I start to cry, using the little energy I have left.

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