Quiet Lake

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Lake of peace, lake of quiet
Only nature
Not a soul for miles
This lake untouched by man

Share your secrets, what you've seen
A hundred years; what has been?
Show me what time's erased
Tell the truth of this place

A group of men, every sort and age
They came down here in a violent rage
Yelling and screaming, the sight was chaos
They were darker times- back in the past

One of these men was not the same
For his face bore the mark of shame
His mouth was gagged, his hands were bound
His desperate cries made hardly a sound

Lake of anger, lake of hate
A remote area
No one else for miles
This lake now met by man

Share your secrets, what you've seen
A hundred years; what has been?
Show me what time's erased
Tell the truth of this place

Though helpless, they clobbered and mocked him
Then they tied a rope upon a tree limb
That rope choked the shameful man
His body left swinging above the sand

Lake of evil, lake of malice
Just you and me
We're isolated here
This lake forever stained by man

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