CHAPTER ONE: Begin Again

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"Thank you for believing in my music and in me! I love you all! Good night!" The lights went dark and I ran off stage dressed in my circus themes outfit along with my dancers, who were dressed as animals and other fun circus characters. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together was a bittersweet song to perform on the Red tour. It's so spectacular, but it also means the show has ended. This was only our 5th show of the tour, so I know I shouldn't be upset about the tour ending quite yet. It was too early for that. As I walk backstage to my dressing room I pull my hair up into a ponytail and rip off my top. Don't worry, I have a leotard underneath! It is just way too hot to not take it off.
As I walk by members of the crew we exchange words such as "Great job tonight," or "5 down and dozens more to go!" Dozens more to go. It wasn't a bad thing. This was a huge part of my career and also one of my favorite parts of my career. As I enter my dressing room, I hear someone call my name. "TAAAAYLOOOOOR!!" I knew just who it was. I turn around with a huge smile. "Mom, what did I say about you screaming after all the shows?" I say to my mom, laughing as she runs to me out of breath. "Oh honey, your shows are just fabulous and it makes me excited to have such a talented daughter! Great job tonight!" I pull her into a hug. "I couldn't do it with out you, Mom!" We turn around headed back to my dressing room arm in arm.

I turn to mom and say, "Meet any fans tonight?" She smiles and laughs. "I sure did! They always crowd around when I'm looking for the Club Red fans. I love it though!" I start running fast to the dressing room. "Taylor, what are you in a hurry for?" "CRAP MOM CLUB RED! CLUB RED I NEED TO GET DRESSED!!!" My moms eyes widen as she runs to help me get changed! "Sorry I just get so caught up in the moment, dear! Trust me though, your fans aren't going anywhere!" I sit down at my dressing room mirror after putting on a cute, vintage-like, red dress and freshen up my makeup and let down my hair. I put my red heels on, meet up with mom and security, and head for Club Red.

As we approach Club Red, I can already hear the fans screaming, crying, laughing, taking photos from down the hall. I smile because I realize how lucky I am. I walk in and hear the usual- "AHHH!"
I am smiling and waving to everyone as I approach the photo session area. I hug a little girl who runs up to me. As I stand in place ready to meet, greet, and take photos with fans, I see someone in the corner. He's sitting there with red roses. He has tanned skin, a sweet good to me, so right. Those are my lyrics, what am I doing? I know what I'm doing. I'm realizing who that is. Who I wrote that song about.
"Taylor?" I say, puzzled. It was him. Taylor Lautner. He looks up at me with his sweet, perfect smile.
"Hey Taylor. These are for you." He walks towards me with his red roses and pulls me into a hug. My jaw drops and I am frozen. I need to get out of here I am never this way with my fans. I whisper my plan to Mom and exit the room. Taylor follows me out.
"Okay, Swifties! Taylor will be back in 10 minutes to meet you all, sorry for the delay!" My mom says to fans. They don't care because there is so much to do in Club Red!
"Taylor, I know you're confused and shocked and possibly dating Ed Sheeran but-"
"We are NOT dating." I correct Taylor as we walk through the backstage halls.
"Okay. I just had to come talk to you." I felt so distraught that I couldn't even say anything, just look at him. His beautiful eyes. Sexy hair. How did I ever let him go? I am speechless. He puts his hands around my waist and pushes me against the wall gently. He was always so romantic. I put my arms around his neck and just look into his eyes, still unsure as to what I should say.
"I still love you Taylor. Very much. I can't stop thinking about you." The truth was that I couldn't stop thinking about him either. Even with everything I've been doing he's the one person always on my mind. So I kissed him passionately hoping he would get the message. The message was that I still loved him too.

I wake up to a text the next morning. It's from Taylor. It reads:
you're off today, rite? lets do something -T.L.
Last night was such a long night. First the concert, then Club Red, then Taylor, then more Club Red. I was grateful for my fans but all I could think about was him. Taylor. Telling me he still loved me and the passionate kiss that ended that special moment because I had to go. I told him to text me, so here we are. I respond:
Hmmm what did you have in mind ? xo -TS
I wondered what we would do today. I wanted to go out, in public to show the paparazzi that I wasn't with Ed, that we were simply just friends. If they saw me with Taylor, they'd move on from that story. However, at the same time, I just wanted Taylor to come to my tour bus. We could just cuddle and watch movies. But, he's Mr. Romance, so it's his choice.
How about breakfast and then we can explore New Jersey while you're still here? Then your tour bus for the night since you have to be in Miami tomorrow. Sound good? -T.L.

Wow he wants to do everything I wanted. He really is perfect.

GREAT! See you soon xo-TS

AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys! I hope you liked chapter 1 of same name same love! It's obviously a love story of Taylor swift + lautner. I'm a huge swiftie and thought it's be a great idea to write fan fiction! I will add the next chapter when this gets a few reads + comments or if I can't wait, I'll add it tonight! I will add 3 chapters TONIGHT if you follow me on wattpad!

Wattpad: tinnydanncerr
Twitter: SwiftieSamantha
thanks and check out my other stories I wrote a few years ago also on my wattpad page!

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