CHAPTER SEVEN: I'm Only Me When I'm With You

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Once we got in bed, we turned on Law & Order and just cuddled. I forgot to tell him about Ed staying in the guest house. And also never mentioned how we hooked up twice since the break up.... Do I wait until tomorrow to tell him, or should I use this comfortable time to tell Taylor what really happened? Then I remember what Selena and I always say to each other during these times - the longer you wait, the more someone gets hurt. So here I go, about to reveal what could change everything.

"Taylor?" I say pulling out of his arms and sitting up in bed.
"Yes?" He says laying there leaning his head on his hand looking up at me.
"I have to tell you something that happened...that I wish never did, but it happened. And it could change everything."
"Nothing will change how I feel about you, Taylor. I may be upset, but it won't change how I feel about you and I."
"Great..." I say nodding and smiling. "....well, this isn't easy to say. But I will just spill it out. Ed and I hooked up. Twice. And I'm just so sorry, I love you so much so I was hurt after we fought and felt lonely and heartbroken and I just feel so ba-" He ends my rambling with a kiss. I'm shocked at how okay he is with this.
"I said nothing would change how I feel. Do I wish it didn't happen, do I wish you didn't have to tour with him for another year after hearing this? Yeah, I do. However, we weren't together at the time and I'm not going to get upset at that. You were obviously in a very vulnerable state and he took advantage of it. He took advantage of how close you guys were. Would you agree with me on that?" He asks. I guess I did, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to think Ed used me. I know he loves me so I didn't want to think of it as him taking advantage.
"I's just Ed and I are still great friends, Taylor. You understand that right? You just need to trust me and know that I will never let him and I do anything like that again." I say very seriously.
"I know. And I'm sorry I tried ending your friendship before. I'm going to talk to Ed next time I see him.""
"Actually, you can talk to him right now, right this second. He's uh staying the guest house." Taylor's face turned serious. I think he's upset.
"What? Why?" he asks deeply confused.
"Well he was staying the week since we had our vacation from the tour and I said he could stay here. I'm not going to lie, I was going to see where things went. But in the back of my mind, I could not stop thinking about you. But I didn't want to call, I thought you'd be totally pissed. However, when I saw your name show up on my phone, I knew. I knew you were the one I loved and that your phone call was a sign - the sign being I can't live without you in my life Taylor." I pull him into a tight hug. He kisses my cheek as he lets go.
"You're a great friend to him, Taylor. He seems like a great guy. I will go talk to him now. Maybe tomorrow we can all hang out rather than just the two of us. We can all bond just like you wanted." I smile as he puts his shoes on and heads over to the guest house.

___EDS POV___

I am still not in bed. I am too upset. I know I told Taylor I was fine, but I didn't want her to get upset. As I watch the nightly news, I hear a knock at the door. I get up to open it and look out the eye hole to see who it was. I thought it was going to be my Taylor, but it wasn't. Taylor Lautner? F***. I did not want to talk to him, but I open the door anyway, for my Taylor.
"Mind if I come in?" he asks, pointing inside.
"Nope, come in." I say holding my arm out leading inside. He walks into the living room and I follow after him, sitting on the couch I sat on before. I shut off the TV.
"I know you probably hate me because I disrespected you and because I'm dating Taylor..." he says with a sympathetic look. I nod agreeing with everything he said, I wasn't going to lie.
"But you need to know that I am aware I made a mistake. Also, I am in love with Taylor Swift and she told me how much you mean to her. Therefore, you mean a lot to me too. Man, I'm just so sorry for disrespecting you. I can be overprotective sometimes which I'm trying to change." He seems legit, I believe him.
"I, too, want Taylor to be happy. So I appreciate you coming here and clearing the air; making things right, mate." I say extending my hand for a handshake. He shakes it and pulls me into a manly hug.
"Great. So me and Taylor are going out tomorrow, wanna come?" He says as he heads for the door. Do I want to? No, I don't wanna see the one I'm in love with hanging out with her boyfriend. I do want to see her happy though, so I accept his offer. He leaves and I head to bed hoping Lautner proves he means what he said to me while hanging out tomorrow.

------6 Days Later-----
We just flew back to Florida this morning from Nashville. It's time to do the 7th show of The Red Tour! The past week off has been so great. Taylor and Ed are getting along and we all had a really fun time. Tonight, I will be performing Treacherous for the first time. The song I wrote about Ed. I never told him it was about him, but it is. Even though we are just friends, I'm glad I got to write a song about our romantic experiences even though they are done with. Ed will always be important to me- even though he will never be a romantic interest, he is still my best friend. As for Taylor, this past week has proven that he is the one for me. I love him with all of my heart. I see a difference in him, too. He's letting me be myself and have the friends I want.

Right now, I am walking around the arena we are playing at tonight to check it out. This place is huge. Only my crew and band is here right now because its only 10 AM. I run into my mom while on my stroll.

"Hey darling, how was Nashville over break?" She asks while walking with me.
"It was really great and reassuring. Ed and Taylor are becoming such great friends and its great to see my boyfriend and best friend get along, you know?"
"Sure I do, I'm happy for you. Well I need to get backstage and get everything together for Club Red. I'll see you in wardrobe!" she says before she hugs me and heads backstage. I decide to sit in one of the seats of the arena that is far back. I'm happy to discover that any seat here is a good seat. As I sit in my seat, I look around at these thousands of seats and wonder how I got so lucky. I smile and giggle to myself. I have the best fans in the world.

"Lots of seats, huh?" I look up to see Taylor standing with his perfect smile, and hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, it's crazy. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to perform for this many people." I say smiling. He takes a seat next to me.
"I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have a girl like you in my life." He says turning to me, putting his arm around me and pulling me close. I blush at his sweet words.
"I'll be in the pit tonight, and it would make my life if Taylor Swift touched my hand!!!" He says jokingly. I laugh hysterically while playfully nudging into him.
"I'll try if I can see you through the darkness of the arena.!"
"Awesome." He says putting his hand through mine. I look at him and can't help but get lost in his eyes. I push my body strongly towards his and kiss him.(AUTHOR NOTE: this is a sex scene guys if you don't like it skip it. Sorry, but I get MANY requests for scenes like this. Have requests? DM me on twitter @SwiftieSamantha)

He pulls me closer and we start making out and I put my arms around his neck. He lifts me up and doesn't let go of my lips. Soon enough, we are in my dressing room that was just outside of the seats we were sitting in. He lays me down on the couch and unbuttons my dress as I unbutton his shirt. I work my hands down his beautiful abs and removes his pants and underwear. He kisses me down my chest until he reaches the underwear I'm wearing, which he soon removes. Soon he enters me and it feels so good. I hear him breathing heavily along with me as he moves back and forth giving me a feeling greater than anything else.

"You like that?" He says in a sexy tone.
"Y-yes! Oh, yes Taylor." I bite my lip before he finishes off. I scream as fireworks explode inside of me and then he fall on top of me, kissing my neck.

"Wow." He says looking at me. "You've always been good at that, Taylor" he says winking at me. I laugh and kiss his neck as I get up to change back into my clothes.

"You have been too!" I giggle before finishing the last button on my dress. He hops up and puts on his pants but keeps his shirt off. He was just one of those guys that no one could ever complain about him being half naked. I sit at my dressing room mirror and brush through my now tangled hair due to what just happened. He comes over to me as I brush my hair and rubs my shoulders and kisses my neck.
"Can't we do that one more time?" He whispers into my ear. I laugh and blush.
"No way, crazy boy. I have a show to get ready for!" I say hitting his arm jokingly.
"Alright, alright. But can you promise me a nice dinner after Club Red tonight?" He asks while making puppy dog eyes. I get up and wrap my arms around his neck.
"How could I resist? It's a date." I kiss his lips and hear a knock on the door. I remove my arms from his neck and he follows behind me with his arms around my waist as I answer the door.
"ED! Come in!" I say giggling. He nods his head and sits on the couch with his guitar.
"I just wanted to run through Everything Has Changed, if you don't mind? I got a new guitar and want to make sure it's a-okay for tonight," he exclaims with a smile.
"Yeah, definitely!" I release myself from Taylor's arms and pick up my guitar. He takes a seat in my makeup and hair chair while I join Ed on the couch. We're about to start playing and I glance over at Taylor and see him giving us two thumbs up.
"Good to go?" Ed says smiling. I nod and we begin to play.
"All I knew this morning when I woke, is I know something now, know something now I didn't before....."
---------3 minutes later-------
"Everything has changed..." My voice and Ed's meshed together perfectly during this song as we ended it. Taylor stands up and starts clapping.
"Guys, that was great!" he says with excitement.
"Thanks baby." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. I could see Ed was kind of jealous but he had to learn to deal with this kind of stuff.
"Well then. I need to go rehearse Treacherous. See you guys later!" I say opening the door to leave.
"Wait, what song is that?" Ed asks before I leave. Oh nothing, just a song I wrote about you when I thought I was in love with you, except I wasn't. The song I wrote about my best friend who I was scared to have a relationship with.
"A new one I recently wrote." I wink and head for the stage. I knew this song might cause controversy. Ed and Taylor wouldn't know which one of them it was about. I guess we will have to see during this dress rehearsal.....

************AUTHOR NOTE**********
Hey guys! That was Chapter 7! What do you think will happen when Taylor performs her new song? Find out when chapter 8 comes out TONIGHT! Comment below or tweet me @SwiftieSamantha what you think will happen! Do you have suggestions or requests of what you want in this story line? Tweet or DM me on twitter @SwiftieSamantha or message me here on wattpadd: tinnydanncerr! Follow me on both of those accounts please! Want me to write a fan fic about another couple?? Maybe Sweeran or Edward and Bella of twilight or Jelena? ANYTHING? Let me know and I will work on it! I love you guys thanks for reading! Xo - Sam

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