CHAPTER 10: Mine

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"Not a lot going on at the moment.... ;)" I write at the bottom of a picture I was posting if Taylor proposing to me in front of the Disney castle. I'm so happy people were able to capture that moment. After Disney last night we had to get back on the road and this time Taylor was staying on the tour bus with me. I lay in bed smiling, rethinking last night over and over. Taylor lays next to me with his arms around my waist.

"I'm engaged." I say with a sigh and giggle. He kisses my neck and smiles back.
"I'm so happy, last night was perfect. You really know how to treat a girl right." I tell Taylor. He was flawless. I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with him.
"Are you kidding? I wouldn't have done it any other way. You deserve perfection." He says before kissing my head.

"I love you."
"I love you, too" I kiss Taylor passionately and he pulls me closer in his arms. He really is the best thing that's ever been mine.

----------2 hours later-----------
We've arrived at our next tour stop and I hear a knock at my door. Still in my pajamas because I am so damn tired, I get up to open it. It's mom with a lady I've never met.
"Hey hon, meet your wedding planner!" Mom says. This is honestly the worst time for this.
"Can we come in?" The woman says. Ugh.
"Sure. Just let my fiancé and I get in decent clothes first!" I say with a laugh before slamming the door. I run to the back bedroom and start taking off my pajamas. Taylor is still laying in bed so I hit him with my shirt.
"Babe, get up my mom brought a wedding planner." He groans and doesn't wanna get up. I'm jumping into my clothes as he sits up in bed.
"What the hell? Already?" He says laughing.
"She's just really excited, so please get dressed for me?" I say before exiting to let my mom and the planner in.
"Yeah, yeah." He says shooing me out. I just put on shorts and a white t shirt. I left my hair down.

"Come on in," I say after opening the door. I clear off the little kitchen table I have for my mom and the planner to sit at. I take a seat in the couch right next to it.

"So, I'm Taylor and my fiancé will be out in a second. It's nice to meet you....?" I say nicely extending my hand to learn her name.

"Wendy. Wendy Hilson, nice to meet you! I'm happy to help you plan your wedding!" She smiles then suddenly goes into a blank stare. I turn around to see Taylor standing there.

"Hey. I'm Taylor." He says extending his hand with a smile. Wendy shakes it and keeps staring at him with her mouth open. She hasn't even said her name. It's getting weird so Taylor pulls away and sits down next to me. He kisses me and puts his arm around me on the couch.

"Right. Uh I am Wendy and its really, really nice to meet you." She says smiling. This lady thinks Taylor is hot and I'm not going to have a wedding planner that has a crush on my husband. Right before I say something about it, Taylor does himself.
"Listen if you have a crush on me, this isn't going to work because Taylor is my fiancé and I love her. I'm not going to have a wedding planner that acts totally inappropriate and ruins my wedding." I turn to Taylor and smile. I grab his face and kiss him. Wendy looks shocked.

"Oh no! Sorry I'm just starstruck. I love Twilight. I'm sorry I made you feel that way guys," she says with an upset look. I guess I understood. So, we continued the planning.

----------1 hour later----------
"So you want to get married on the beach in Hawaii and have the reception and a resort there?"
"That's our idea, yes. We don't know exactly what resort or when, but definitely Hawaii. That's where Taylor is from so it'd be really special." I say to Wendy, arm in arm with Taylor.
"Absolutely. Oh and for colors you want a Tiffany blue and white?"
"Definitely." We nod our heads as we plan the first steps to our wedding.
"Okay... Well, get started on the guest list and send it to me ASAP! I'll let you all go, have a great show tonight." Wendy says as she leaves. Mom follows after her and finally Taylor and I are alone.

"I'm so excited, baby. It is going to be perfect." I say smiling as he holds me in his arms. My hands are on his shoulders as I look into his eyes.
"I just can't wait until its official." He kisses me and we start making out. I realize it is 5 o'clock and that I should be getting ready for the show. I slowly pull away and he pulls me back into a hug. I laugh, kiss his cheek and head for my dressing room in the arena.
"GOOD LUCK TONIGHT BABY!" he screams from the tour bus door. I giggle and wave to him. He'd be sitting right at the B stage tonight watching me. He waits in the tour bus until I'm all ready so he can relax for the long night ahead.


I watch Taylor head for the arena and then head back to the bed room. As I head back, I take my shirt off and throw it in the washer. I check my phone and notice I had a text from Wendy. Taylor and I gave her our numbers in case she had questions.

Haven't stopped thinking about u. xoxo Wendy

I knew it. I knew she had a crush on me. This is unacceptable and there was not a chance she would plan my wedding. I immediately get dressed for the concert and head over to the arena to talk to Taylor about this.


"She's so amazing and has done a bunch of gorgeous weddings. I'm so glad my mom found someone so great! It's going to be flawle-" The door opens up as I was explaining to Abigail and Selena how amazing my wedding was going to be- thanks to Wendy! It's Taylor and he comes over and kisses me.
"Hey, I was just telling them about how awesome Wendy is going to be as a planner!" I tell him. He looks uncomfortable and just smiles at me.
"Girls, I will catch up with you after the show." I say to my friends giving them a cue to leave.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask rubbing Taylors arms.
"It's Wendy. She texted me this." He shows me a text that said she couldn't stop thinking about him.
"That bitch. She's fired!" I say with anger.
"But what about that dream wedding you had in mind..." He says looking concerned.
"We can find someone to do it. I promise. No one is going to hit on my husband and have anything to do with my wedding!" I say as I pull him into a hug. I kiss his cheek and smile at him. He smiles back, but I could tell he felt bad about our wedding possibly being ruined. I know we can find someone who was just as good, if not better than Wendy. Taylor heads out to find his seat at the B stage as I head backstage to go on.

--------1 1/2 hours later--------
"So this next song could be from my first album....second album......third album.....or this album....." The crowd screams, for I was about to sing the secret song.
"Tonight is really special though, because you're the first crowd I have played for since my engagement," I giggle and look out into the crowd as I strum my guitar.
"So, I wanna bring up someone special, if that's okay with you?" The fans scream so much it almost hurts my ears. I laugh and smile at the crowd.
"Awesome." I hand off my guitar to security and make my way to Taylor. I kiss him and pull him up in stage. I let him sit in my usual stool as I grab my guitar.
"Taylor, you're the best thing that's ever been mine.'' I say smiling as I start strumming to the tune of Mine. Soon, the song ends and the audience is cheering and saying "awwww!" Taylor's smile was so big, I could tell he was so happy. I put my guitar down and he gets up from the stool. He pulls me into a hug and I whisper in his ear, "I love you, baby. Forever." He nods as if to say he loves me too and kisses my lips before stepping off the stage.
------------2 hours later-----------
"No Club Red tonight?"
"Nope. I wanted to spend time with you." I say to Taylor as we walk back to my dressing room.
"I guess that means we should do something special huh?" He asks with a grin.
"What ever you want to do, handsome."
"I actually have something planned." He says with a mysterious smile.
"Hmm I like where this is going..." I say as he puts his arm around me.
"Get changed and meet me in the Club Red room in 5." He winks and walks away. I'm excited and get changed right away. I just put on spare sweatpants and a tight white tank top. I leave my hair down in its natural wave and head for the Club Red room. I walk in to find roses strewn across the floor and candles as the only source of light. All of the pictures I had with fans had been covered with photos of Taylor and I. I gasp and smile all at once, wondering how I got so lucky to be engaged to such an incredible man. I find Taylor sitting on one of the couches and jump onto his lap.

"This is beautiful," I tell Taylor as I look him in the eyes.
"I figured it'd be nicer to sleep in here tonight than that tour bus." He says with a laugh. I had another show in this stadium tomorrow night.
"It will be nicer." I say with a chuckle.
"And even though it isn't in season," Taylor laughs, "I thought we would watch this." He holds up Valentines Day. I smile a warm smile and nod.
"Good choice." We begin watching the movie we met each other in and I remember it just like yesterday. It gets to the scene where the news interviews me and we laugh hysterically. He turns to me and kisses me slowly as we are laying on the couch. Soon we fall asleep in each others arms, ready for the next day.

----------Next Day--------

I wake up on the oversized couch in the room we had slept in last night. I carefully get up making sure not to wake Taylor. I look at my phone. 5 new text messages. All from Wendy. They were all romantic, and I was really pissed off. So I finally text her back.

What the f*** is wrong with you? You're fired. -TL

She immediately responds: Fine, but your wedding day will be hell.
Was that black mail? I'm not going to worry about it because she doesn't really have a team behind her. I do want to make sure I protect Taylor, though. In case this psycho stalks her or something. I sit on a chair close to the couch and turn on the TV on low volume so Taylor doesn't wake up. I loved staying in the club red room, and want to do this every time she has a two day show. Half an hour later, she awakens and comes over and sits on my lap facing me. She wraps her arms around my neck and starts kissing my neck, moving up to my mouth. Slowly, we make out until we need to take a breather.

"Hmm good morning, Taylor." She says smiling going back to making out with me. How can I refuse? I keep my arms wrapped around her lower back as she slowly grinds up against me as our lips are still locked. She goes to take my pants off, but I stop her.
"Save that for later." I say with a wink.
"You're right, I should probably get dressed anyway."
"No, stay." I say pulling her back onto me, making out with her once again. There was something about her kisses that kept me.wanting more. I never felt this way with any girl before, Taylor just never lost my attraction. Ever. I could do this all day. I move my hands to her ass and squeeze gently. She whimpers because shes so turned on. She goes to put her hands in my pants again, but this time I didn't want to stop her. She grabs my private area and slowly moves up and down with her hand, not letting her lips linger from mine until Ed walks in.
"Oh shit." He says and tried to run out. Taylor lets go and pulls my pants up and stops Ed.
"Ed wait! Sorry, we shouldn't have -"
"No it's my fault I should've knocked."
"Ed, there isn't a door." She says laughing.
"Right, anyway I wanted to let you know we have a meet and greet in an hour for a local radio contest."
"Okay, thanks." He nods and runs out. Taylor looks back at me and kisses me.
"What a good morning!" She says before running to get ready for her day. That was probably the best morning yet, but I haven't told her about Wendy.

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