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It's cold tonight, too cold if you ask me, to still be summer, but then again it could just be my imagination. My mind loves to play tricks on me, especially when I'm walking home at night.

For example, I think there's a man following me, but that's not true because, I've checked and no one's there. So the cold is probably just my paranoia creeping up.

"What's a pretty little girl like you doing out at this hour?"

Maybe it wasn't all in my mind after all. The man before me stunk terribly but there was no denying he held authority.

"None of your beeswax."

"Feisty, huh? I like that in a woman. Why don't you come give this big bad wolf some sugar."

He grabs my wrist and attempts to pull me to him. I quickly slip out of his grip.

"Please just leave me alone."

"No can do, sweet cheeks."

The man makes a grab for me once again only to miss me once again.

"Stand still!" He growls angrily as he reaches out once more

"I'm warning you let me be or you will regret it!"

He laughs, "What you gonna do, dolly? You gonna slap me, hit me with your purse?"

I take a deep breath, this is not going to end well.


I stood up panting, there on the ground was the now lifeless body of the creep who tried to take advantage of me (if you know what I mean.) I hadn't meant to kill him, only scare him a little, but he wouldn't stop. I did warn him, I really had, but he just laughed and kept on attacking me. I feel sick, thinking of what I've just done. I am going to go to prison for murder, and I probably won't survive.

I'm too young to die!

Straightening up I see two men stepping out of the shadows, well there goes any chance I might have had of escape. Oh, who do I think I'm kidding? My fingerprints are probably all over the place, let alone my DNA. They would have caught me even if I had run.

They stare at the man for several minutes before turning their gaze on me.

"I can explain, really I can."

They start whispering to one another, but thankfully due to my many years of eavesdropping, I can partially hear them. Plus I can read lips a little, so that makes it a little easier to.

"She killed the Alpha."

"But she's just a"

"I know but by rogue law she is now the Alpha."

"We could probably deal with her."

"Are you crazy or something. Did you not see what she just did? Heck she ain't even sweating and you think we could take her?!"

"Well do you have a better plan?"

"Yes, we recognize her as the" (missed the word) "She couldn't be worse then he was."

"Fine but if she flips out or we get attacked because the others think we're weak, I blame you."

They turn back to me and the brunette steps forward and bows his head in what looks like respect?

"I...er we have something to tell you that is of great importance, would you be so kind as to accompany us back to the pa... uhh our office?"

"Look I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't, it really wasn't my fault. It was self defense!"

"We're not accusing you Alpha we simply want to speak with you." With that the blonde hair guy steps forward.

"Forgive me Alpha." He wraps his arms around me in a choke hold. Before I can break it, a cloth is put over my mouth and nose. I can feel myself slipping, but I won't give up so easily.
I jerk back, knocking into blonde guy, sending him backwards. Startled, he loosens his grip, which I escape immediately.

"I told you it wouldn't be that easy didn't I?" said the brunette with amusement in his eyes.

Before I can clear my head the blonde lunges at me with a growl. Sidestepping him easily, he crashes to the pavement with a groan.

"Enough." Wow I didn't know I could sound that powerful! That was freaking amazing!

Both of the men's mouth fall open, but they both wait for my next command, which is somewhat of a shock to me.

"I don't know who you think you are or why you have taken it upon yourselves to try and kidnap me but I assure you, you do not want to test me further. Unless you wish to end up like him." I jerk my head in the dead man's direction. "Now why do you keep calling me Alpha, why would you be seen as weak because of me, and why would I flip after hearing whatever it is you're trying to tell me?"

"You heard us?"

"Yes, now spill."

"Well..." the brunette pauses, looking nervously at his companion, who simply glares straight ahead, completely ignoring his friend's silent pleas for his assistance.

"We're werewolves and he was our leader, the leader is called Alpha and since you killed him you are now Alpha."

Finally Blondie speaks up. "We will be seen as weak because our Alpha is a human."

"And we thought you'd flip out after hearing about this, that's why we thought It would be best if we had brought you back before we told you."

I roll my eyes he doesn't think I'm that stinking dumb does he? "Yeah, sure and my mother is the Easter bunny. I know my youthful appearance may be miss leading but I wasn't born yesterday, I know a con when I see one."

"Do you want us to prove it to you?" Blondie smirks while his friend looks worried.

"And just how do you plan to prove it to me?"

"I'll shift showing you beyond a shadow of a doubt, we speak the truth."

I fold my arms a crossed my chest "Knock yourself out."

In front of me the blonde hunches over as snaps and cracks echo all around us, his face elongats into a snout, his ears also elongate and morfs into the pointy ears of a wolf.
Hair begins to grow, covering him as his clothes rip apart, his hands and feet change to paws, and a tail swishes behind him

My mouth dropped open. I think I feel a migraine coming on.

"Will you please come with us we can explain more on the way." The brunette asks finally.

I just nod my head too confused to speak. I know I should be scared out of my mind and horrified, yet somehow I'm not. Totally confused, yes but not disgusted. Is that normal?


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Keep sparkling, 💗 Madeline

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