You Won't Regret It

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"You found her, but you can't find her? That doesn't make any sense."

"I know." He sighs before continuing. "I could smell her, like lavender lemonade, she smelled perfect. But when I looked out of the cell window there was no one there. At first I thought I must have imagined it but then later I smelt it again and when I looked out I seen a figure disappearing into the forest. I'm sure it was her, but I couldn't get out to find her and so I was hoping you might help me find her."

"To help you will require that I pardon you. How can I be sure you're sincere and have really changed?"

He looks defeated as his shoulders slump "I don't know." He states in honesty. "But I assure you I am sincere in finding her, I'm sorry to have bothered you. Excuse me, Alpha." With a slight bow of his head he turns to leave.

"Wait. I didn't say I wouldn't help you-" he turns with a brilliant smile on his face, before rushing back and engulfing me in a bear or should I say wolf hug.

"Thank you, Jenny! I promise you won't regret it!"

"We'll see. As of now you are to resume your schedule as normal, don't mess this up."

"Thank you and I promise I won't!"

"Like I said, we'll see. Now I think I may know who your mate is, the problem is I don't really know where she is."

I watched as his face brightens before falling in despair.

"Don't worry, I know we'll find her and if not she'll find us, I'm sure."

"How can you be so sure?"

I smirk "Never underestimate me, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. No I'm afraid I have to get ready and head out."

"Okay." He nods looking disappointed as I walk past him, before waiting while he to leaves before shutting and locking my office door.

As I walk to my room a chime signals I've got a text glancing down I pause while reading it.

"Wear something nice."

"Don't I always?"

"Nicer then usual."

Huffing I hang up and continue up to my room, to change into something "nicer". He's really getting on my nerves. But I'm just going to have to put on my stilettos and deal with it. Who am I kidding, I'm not putting on stilettos. They aren't comfortable to me and after what I went through with my original plan to gain information, I definitely won't be eating heels anytime soon.

I'm probably overdressed, but am I going to change? Definitely not. Anyways this is "nicer" then usual so he shouldn't complain. As I enter the dining room all eyes turn to me, as well as several mouthfuls of orange juice. Which thankfully didn't land on me. Eww! Anyways despite the disgusting disturbance and the self conscious feeling that had slowly begun to rise inside me. I walked to the head table and sat down as several pack members resumed serving.

Breakfast went smoothly before I headed out to the meet Ashton. I wonder what he's up to, probably something that will end in trouble for my pack. I can't believe I'm messed up in all this, first Ashton, then the weasel, Willow Racheal and Bella, and now Phil. When will I learn to turn people down?

Leaning against a tree I scanned the surrounding area, seeing no sign of Ash I began to think about how I could get Willow to come back. All I knew for sure was that she was a rogue, probably in the rogue pack responsible for attacking the Moon River pack. Not much to go on, but hey it's a start. As a plan begins to form I scan my surroundings once again. Finally I spot Ashton walking towards me with a smile on his face and dressed in a suite and tie. Guess I won't be over dressed after all.


We had been driving for a good half hour before finally pulling up to a brick building with huge windows that showed the beautiful interior. If anything I now feel under dressed and judging on the looks we were getting I assume I am, but who cares? Food is all I can think about since we arrived! And yes I know you're probably thinking that I just ate, how can I possibly be hungry again, but trust me I am.

The waitress leads us to a table before taking our drink orders and saying she'd bring them soon, before running off once more. Leaving us to examine our menus in peace.

"You look good, I've never seen you in a dress before."

"I don't wear them too often."

"You should, they look really nice on you."

"Thanks." I can feel my cheeks blush slightly, quickly I bury my face in the menu to avoid his gaze.

The waitress returns to take our orders, we'll take my order and Ash's number. For some odd reason it took all my self control not to sock her one, I almost danced when he politely refused. My joy died away as soon as he stated his reason. He was taken, "already in a committed relationship" with his soul mate and has "no intention of bungling it" as he put it. It shouldn't bother me but if I'm honest it does, it bothers me a lot!

After that I didn't have much of an appetite so when he had finished I called for a doggy bag so I could take the rest to eat later. It seemed to worry him that I didn't finish my food, but I just told him I wasn't as hungry as I thought and I'd eat it later. The drive back was mostly quiet say the gentle hum of the truck's engine.

He parked and we both got out, before we said goodbye, I told him Willow's story. He seemed clueless but said it wasn't impossible for that to happen and if it was true it wouldn't be the first time either. After agreeing to look into it we parted, him in his truck and I on foot.

Now all I have to do is find Willow.

A/N Should I continue this book or take it down and rewrite it?
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Keep sparkling 💗 Madeline

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