Chapter 8

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YEAH! I updated! Sorry for taking so long! I hope you enjoy it! Hows everyones life going!


Won't be able to update because I'll be in Seattle for the weekened for the TMH CONCERT! JESUS! TAKE THE WHEEL! :D

Okay! Well thanks for reading!




"YOU KISSED HIM! You fucking kissed him and nearly had sex with him! How can I not be mad Mackenzie!" We've been yelling at each other for the past couple hours and well, we aren't making any progress about solving the problem. I know I made a mistake of kissing Harry but, I'm not going to lie, I liked it. A lot. But that outburst at the stadium was innappropiate. One because Harry could have heard everything. Second they were all confused as fuck. Bailey and now Liam know about this.

I am about done with my feelings for Harry. And I wish he didn't really exist at the moment, because it makes everything worse! My feelings are growing stronger for him and it doesn't help when he is so God damn sexy everyday. The thing is, anytime Harry does anything, he makes me blush, he makes me feel all giddy inside. When he touches me I feel a new found energy within me. And when he kisses me, well I feel sparks. Even if that does sound cliché, and even if I was pissed off drunk, there was definitely something there. I just hope he felt it to. But when we were kissing, he didn't pull back, he wanted to keep going. I keep telling myself it was because the alcohol consumed him and he was messed up in the head, but I also want to believe that he felt the sparks to. A girl can only dream right?

"Are you even listening to me?" Zac yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You know what. I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what to say to you anymore. You've changed."

"I've changed? Are you kidding me?" I shouted back.

"No, I'm not kidding. Ever since we started hanging out with your brother, you've changed. It's like you're this new person. Cheating on your boyfriend and hooking up with one of your brothers best friends. You're a slut Mackenzie."

I was taken back by his words. They hit me like a brick. And I kind of believe him. I am a slut. I turned into Cami.

But I was drunk... well that isn't really an excuse.

Oh yes it is.

No it's not.

God, I'm going insane.

"Did you hear me slut?"

"I'm not a slut."

"Yes you are Mackenzie. You turned into a little slut. 'Oh look at me, I'm Mackenzie Payne and I like to hook up with my brothers friends. I'm so sad I lost my big brother. Boo boo!'"

"Stop it!"

"Oh take pity on me. I came to Europe to see my other brother, because I don't like my life. Boo!"

"Shut up!" I said, trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm a little whore! Oh is the whore gonna cry now?"

"Zac shut up!" I tried to stop them from falling, but it was too late. I was in a fit of rage. "How could you! You're an asshole you know that!? Maybe I danced with Harry because you didn't. You haven't given a rats ass about me since we started this tour. It was all fake Zac. You know what. We were better friends. I should have known better than to get my hopes up about you."

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