Chapter 10

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I'll be gone. Leaving tomorrow! Will not have internet for two weeks. BOO! :( But i hope you like it!

Sorry it's sooo short! I shall be back in a bit! :)

LOve you all!

Comment, Vote, Fan me!

Madz xx


Harry's POV


That one word made my heart flutter. I began to get a little light headed, my hands began to sweat. It's a silly word, stay, how can one word do this to me? I wonder what would happen to me if I told her I liked her... either it could go like this:

One, "I like you Harry, but not like that." Than I think I wouldn't be able to live with myself, because she is stunning and I live with her...

Two, "I like you to Haz. I have for awhile." If she said that, I think I would faint. No joke.

"Please Haz?" Her whisper broke me out of my thoughts. I can't believe I've been standing there like a complete idiot.

"Of course Princess." Did I just call her princess... UGH! I call everyone babe, love, but never princess. Why should I start now? Oh I know why, because I'm in love with her. Madly in love with her and it hurts. I wanna tell her that I love her, but I think that's a little much. Again, I go back to the thoughts of her not liking me back. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso, and it felt nice. I shivered a bit and I became really hot. I'm sure my face looked like a tomatoe, but it's fine.

"Please stay." She whispered in my ear, her warm breath touching my ear. Does she know what she's doing to me? I felt the warmth leave my body as she unwrapped herself from me. I turned around and she was snuggled up in the bed looking at me. I stripped off my clothes leaving me in my boxers and walked to the otherside and climbed in next to her. Keeping a distance so I wouldn't pull a move on her, because dear God I wanted to.

"Snuggle with me dimwit!" She laughed. I scooted over and wrapped my arms around her. Kenzie's head rested on my chest as she breathed in my mint scent slowly.

"I can hear your heart." She smiled. Well I hope she doesn't realize it's beating rather loudly. And it's a bit uncomfortable if you ask me. I slowly kissed her forehead letting my lips linger there.



"Right there." She blushed, pointing to her cheek. She sat up a bit so I could kiss it. The blush remained there as I let my lips stay there.

"Here." She pointed to her other cheek. I kissed it slowly as she shivered. I smirked against her cheek.

"Here." She tapped her nose. And shivered again.

"Here." And lastly she pointed to her lips.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded slowly biting down on her lip, making her ten times cuter than usual, if that was even possible. I slowly leaned in biting my own lip. My lips hovered over hers as I took in her fruity smell. I let her hot breath tickle my skin as I closed the gap. I moved my lips with hers. Sparks. As cliché as that sounds and coming from dude, I felt sparks. The whole lot. The taste was intoxicating and I didn't want it to stop. Too bad for me, she slowly pulled away.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I wanted to test something." She shrugged.

"And the results." I chuckled.



Kenzie's POV

The next morning I woke up with Harry by my side. And I liked it, it felt nice. I wouldn't mind waking up to this everyday. I smiled down at him as his arms were still securley wrapped around me as if he never wanted to let go. I kissed his cheek before I slipped out of his arms. He stirred in his sleep a bit and mumbled something before I tiptoed out of the room.

"Sleep well?" Louis smirked. I could already feel the heat flow to my cheeks as I tried to ignore him.

"Good morning Kenz." Niall smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

"Don't talk with your mouth full babe." I chuckled.

"Well good morning to you to!" He laughed nearly choking.

"Trying to kill my leprachaun?" Liam chuckled walking in. I just rolled my eyes.

I heard voices coming from the hallway, and hid behind the counter. I'm so sneaky. I'm a freaking ninja!

"What are-"

"Shhh!" I said shutting Niall up.



"And than he said, I really like you! And asked me to be his girlfriend!" That was Bailey talking.

"That's so cute. Niall's so-"

"I'm what Zoe?"

"A roman-"

"BOOO!" I jumped out from behind my hiding space.

"JESUS!" Both girls screamed.

"Why didn't you tell me you guys were dating?" I asked Niall.

"You never asked." He shrugged as if it was nothing.

"You suck!" I stated sticking my tongue out.

"Yeah yeah! Now can you make breakfast?" I rolled my eyes and proceeded to make eggs and bacon.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and a soft kiss was applied to my left temple. I smiled, Hazza.

"Good morning!" Harry whispered in my ear.

"Good morning Harry." I smiled taking the eggs and bacon and setting them on a plate.

"Will you guys date already?" I heard Zoe state from the counter where everyone was sitting when I turned around. Well this is awkward. Liam was smiling, Niall was laughing at something Louis said. And well Zayn wasn't paying attention. He was just gawking at Zoe. Hmm...

"Did you have a fun night last night Zoe? We heard you..." I smirked setting plates infront of the hungry people.

"Yes I did. Thanks and you?"

"All I did was cuddle." I smiled.

"Yeah. 'Cuddle'" She put quotes around cuddle. I rolled my eyes. Harry sat on stool next to Louis where I plopped myself down on his lap.

"Well hello there." He chuckled. I could feel the rumble of his chest against my back.

"We need to go guys. Our flight leaves for America in three hours." Liam stated. Oh pooh him. Stupid Daddy Direction.


America is rainy. As usual. Stupid California. Ugh. Zac. Cami. Mom... FUCK!

"I love America." Niall cheered as we entered the hotel.

"Yeah. It's alright." I mumbled.

"You okay?" Harry asked.

"I'm alright."

"You'll feel better tonight." He smirked. What does he have planned?

"What? Is that supposed to be sexual?" I asked, quite taken aback.

"We have a date tonight."

"Are you asking me on a date?" I laughed.

"Mackenzie, would you like to accompany me on a date tonight?" He asked holding my hand.

"I would love to."

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