Chapter 4

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Los Angeles — one week on

Kensi and Kevin had an amazing first week together. They went to the beach, cafes, restaurants, sailed out on a yacht they hired, and then he surprised her with a trip to Disneyland. Kensi faulted at the gates to the fantasy wonderland people travelled to from around the world.

"What's wrong, Rach?" he asked her.

Trying not to disappoint Kevin, she tried to explain her fear of men dressed up in costumes.

"What if they're all woman in those costumes?" He had asked her. Once again he had made her laugh.

"Okay! You win." She turned to him and kissed him firmly on his lips.

He led her through the gates and made her go on all the rides with him. How much he'd changed her, she thought. If anyone on her team knew where she was right now, she would never hear the end of it. But that was just it, wasn't it? She wasn't there with her team. She was there with him. And she loved every minute of their time at Disneyland. I'll never see this place in the same way ever again, she thought. And she was glad.

They ended their first week together back at Club Z to celebrate. All had been well, until she saw Deeks sitting at the bar watching them. She was peeved he was there, but he had every right to be there too. Then she thought to herself, I'm not Kensi, I am Rachel McMann, and therefore, Rachel does not know Deeks. So she chose to ignore him and was glad she did, because Kevin never noticed Deeks.

They were almost about to go, when a bald man with a patch over one eye came up to them and started talking to them.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here all cosy and lovey dovey. G Callen and Kensi Blye. Kensi couldn't believe her bad luck—-Trent Cort, of all people.

Kevin looked confused at Cort. "I'm sorry, but you have the wrong people, we are not who you say we are. Now if you would excuse us, we were just leaving." Kevin never ceased being a gentleman, even when faced with an obstacle such as Trent Cort.

Cort laughed at Kevin. "Oh, Callen, you are good. This Texas accent, and your new look doesn't fool me. Especially when you are with Kensi here."

Kensi tried to look as confused as Kevin. She moved closer to Kevin as if she was asking for him to protect her.

"Oh, come on now, Kensi. You know I'm not going to hurt you. And we all know you are well equip to protect yourself."

She pretended to be terrified of him, and Kevin placed his arm around her to move. But Cort stood in their way.

Next thing they knew Deeks had walked up to Cort and grabbed his right arm and twisted it behind his back. "I think it is time you left, sir." Deeks using his bouncer moves as if he worked there.

"Oh look it's surfer boy come in to help."

Kevin looked relieved that the shaggy blond bouncer had rescued them from the one eyed creep. "Sorry for that, Rach. Are you okay?"

Kensi nodded.

"Let's get out of here." He grabbed her hand and led her outside to catch a taxi to their hotel.

Meanwhile Deeks led Cort outside by the back door and pushed him hard against the brick wall. "You idiot, Cort. What the hell were you playing at? You of all people know how important it is to keep your mouth shut when you see someone undercover."

Cort looked at the Detective. "They did not look like they were undercover, Detective Deeks. They looked like lovers, and if I am not mistaken, your heart has been broken by the beautiful Agent Blye."

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