Chapter 19

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A day later

Callen woke, still in his foul mood from the day before. He'd had looks from everyone, but especially Nell, who looked at him with concern, and Sam, who had questioned him why he was so peeved. He shook it all off, and said nothing, which Sam hated. He thought it was due to the circumstances of losing his newly found brother. Charlie and Jackson gave him space, which he was thankful for, and when Deeks came over with Kensi, it nearly broke his heart. He couldn't even look Kensi in the eye. What he had learned about his brother, he knew would break Kensi's heart, and feared that the most out of the mess his brother had created. Oh, yes! His brother had created this mess, that was for certain, Callen concluded the day before. But now Kevin's mess had become his mess, and that peeved him off even more. Getting through the fake funeral and so called cremation of his brother's body was going to test him to the limits. He tried his best to concern himself with Nell's needs, ensuring she was okay—-he believed it was what got him through the day. But today was going to be harder. Much harder.

Granger had rung him after his visit to Kevin's lawyer to be updated on things from down in Dallas, as well as what they had found, which had been pretty much nothing, except Deeks. He had come through with having the autopsy sent through to them. Callen however was no longer interested in a fake autopsy, and hadn't shown too much interest in it, which had surprised Eric and Granger. Instead, Callen asked Eric to do background check on Paul Sanford, and Jason Matthews—-his brother's alias, when he worked for the CIA. He also asked Eric to see what information he could find on Gabrielle Vasseur. Eric had asked him what did it have to do with Kevin, but he only told him she was an old contact of his from his CIA days and left it at that. He knew Granger was listening, and wanted to make it simple. He was checking up on everything Kevin had told him, for validation. He still kept the case file to himself, until he had looked through it some more, but getting time to himself to do it had been difficult.

He poured the freshly brewed coffee into his mug and gulped it down. Jackson watched on, but kept his thoughts to himself. He thought Callen would talk when he was ready. The funeral was early, everyone had filed downstairs dressed ready to leave, before eating breakfast. Not that anyone really felt like eating. He tried to distract himself by reading the morning paper, but Sam noticed he hadn't read a thing.

"Are you going to read that paper, or hold it for just the sake of it?" Sam finally asked him. It surprised him when Callen handed it over and walked outside. He could see his walls had returned and he turned to Nell to see if she could get anywhere, but she just shook her head.

"I've tried, Sam. Ever since he returned from Kevin's lawyer, he's hardly said a word, unless he's fussing over me. He didn't slept much at all last night."

Sam raised his brow, surprised.

"I wish Nate was here. I had hoped he'd be okay when he had found his family, He seemed happy, really happy. But he's put his walls up again and I don't know how to help him, Nell explained."

Sam was concerned and frustrated with his partner and best friend. "If we can't get through to him, who can?"

"Perhaps I may give it a try."

Sam and Nell turned to their Operations Manager, surprised she was there, as neither of them had heard her come into the room. They both nodded.

Hetty walked outside and stood quietly beside her favourite agent and nephew. In her peaceful stance, Callen felt at ease with her.

"I cannot tell you what's going on, Hetty." He was aware Michel wasn't in earshot, so he knew it was safe to use the name he had always known her as.

"Why not, George? Why is it so hard for you to trust Nell, Sam or myself with whatever has had you in the foulest of moods since yesterday morning?" Callen turned to face his aunt, with tears in his eyes.

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