Sasuke's Amazing Aussie Christmas Adventure

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Sasuke was deeply, deeply unhappy, and he had been since the moment he got off the plane and stepped foot in this godforsaken country. For one thing, it was hot. Really, really hot. And they actually made the passengers get off the plane and walk through the bright, demonic sun into the airport building, can you believe that shit?? He'd melted into a puddle in an instant. And also, he'd already seen two spiders, one of which was almost certainly a redback- he just knew it!

Why the hell had he come here??

...oh, right. That was why. "Sasuke!!" called a loud, overly cheerful blonde in the crowd, waving his arms around like an idiot.

Yeah, I can see you, moron, Sasuke thought to himself. He was pretty sure his eyes would be drawn right to Naruto even in a crowd of a million. ...he's gotten even hotter. I'm so fucked.

"Hello, Naruto," he said, trying to restrain himself. He'd stopped by a bathroom to freshen up- he'd needed it- but he was still pretty sure he looked like a disaster, and this heat was doing horrible things to his hair and skin already.

"Sasuke, you're really here!!" Naruto exclaimed, pulling him into a huge bear-hug immediately, as if they were long-lost friends seeing each other for the first time in years and not just two guys who'd hooked up in Tokyo for a week.

"Of course I am, moron," Sasuke growled, trying to extract himself from Naruto's grasp; it was way too hot for that!! "I said I'd come, didn't I?" Naruto had outright challenged him to do so, saying there's no way Sasuke would ever leave his precious Japan.

"You'll be coming again real soon, I think," Naruto teased, sliding his hands further down Sasuke's back and stepping closer to him.

"Naruto!" Sasuke hissed, trying to wriggle away, which only made Naruto to grip tighter. "We're in public!"

"So?" Naruto said to that, kneading his ass through his jeans. "Look, no one cares." He nodded over to the corner, to where another couple was being very- well, affectionate- right there in sight of everyone. And no one was even looking at them.

"...oh," Sasuke said. He definitely wasn't in Japan any more. This should be...interesting.


Naruto had said that he was picking Sasuke up in his caravan. Sasuke had thought he was joking. ...apparently not.

Sasuke stood in the parking lot, staring up at the caravan in horror. Okay, but, they were just going to drive this thing straight to a hotel, right? Like civilised people? Naruto was just playing a joke on him, he was always teasing him about being uptight and formal.

"No, Sasuke, we're gonna have a real Aussie Christmas!" Naruto had said, throwing Sasuke's suitcases inside and grinning ecstatically. "Caravanning! It's gonna be great!"

"...I see," said Sasuke, supremely unconvinced and considering getting back on a plane right now. He had to be strong. Already his nerves were frayed and his insides were turning into mush just from having Naruto here in front of him, from being able to see him. Sasuke would be helpless as soon as Naruto touched him properly, he just knew it.

"It has its benefits, trust me!" Naruto said, his grin turning into a smirk, and then he physically lifted Sasuke up and into the caravan, and proceeded to get them thoroughly reacquainted- so thoroughly that within half an hour, any thoughts of flying back to Tokyo had disappeared from his mind completely.

Yes, he was so fucked.


Okay, the caravan did have its benefits- Sasuke could see that now. The low kitchen benches were just the right height for Naruto to lift him onto, for Naruto to wrap Sasuke's legs around his waist and grind against him as he kissed him hard all over. And they were the perfect height for Sasuke to then turn around and lean down against and for Naruto to kiss him some more all down his back, and give him a proper pounding right there in the airport parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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