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Normal POV

In the middle of the night.Yomna was sleeping in her was Friday 12 February 2016.when she heard a strong knock on the house door.she rushed to the door but was surprised to see that her mother 'Ms. Rasha' opened the door.

Yomna POV

When I came downstairs.I found 'Eman' at the door.Eman was my best friend at school and a very kind and nice neighbor.I found her at the door with the biggest smile plastered on her face.I felt very confused(I mean it was midnight!).however,I ran towards her and hugged her.then she said breaking the hug"I have to talk with you in your room".I was so confused and interested to know what is going on.

Eman POV

we ran up the stairs,directly to yomna's room.I was so excited to tell yomna about the letter I recieved .when we entered the room and finally alone.I didn't know how to start telling her .So,I took a deep breathe and nearly shouted"I received a Hogwarts letter".Then I said sadly"but it is too late.the train has gone.And 'Hagred' is so busy to pick me up".

Yomna POV

I was happy and sad in the same time,because my best friend got the Hogwarts letter,but I didn't get one.

Normal POV

Eman took something that was behind her back and gave it to yomna."here" said Eman smiling.Yomna was so confused but suddenly she started crying and managed to say" s-so much!".And Eman smiled widely.
Eman gave yomna a"HOGWARTS LETTER".

Eman POV

I gave yomna the letter and told her excitedly"And there is a third letter" and opened the third letter"
The letter said 'to YOMNA&EMAN

(Ms. McKgonald)


Unfortunately, you missed the train and hagred is so busy that he can't pick you up.but there is a solution to that can use one of the three 'murderous gates',actually one of them is in a mountain called 'TRAMNIA',but be careful you will find two gates so you have to think carefully before you will have a lot of adventures(you may get killed or worse).I know you can do it because you are WITCHES
Wish you a good luck.I will send a house elf to help you.if you need anything just think and say *COMENITY HOGWARTS*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ms. McKgonald

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